THE FRENCH STARTUP ALSAMIND CAN TRAVEL THROUGH TIME. AlsaMind has been working for a few years to decode the matrix of the world and unravel the chain of cause and effect. Recently, they've made some groundbreaking innovations, including the launch of a public demo platform and the creation of AlsaMind Intention Core, which can decode a person's intentionality. This week, for the first time, we've fully automated the reading of the past and the future. We could already do it with a lot of manual intervention, but now we have an algorithm capable of doing it on the fly. AlsaMind can now give you the big picture of what will happen (or what did happen) in any given year related to a question you have. How is this possible? There isn’t enough space on a LinkedIn post to explain it all, but here’s the short version: We live in a 4-dimensional space. Three dimensions of space and one of time. We can move freely in space, but when it comes to time, we all seem to move through this dimension at the same speed. But just because we move through time at a constant pace doesn’t mean the past behind us or the future ahead of us don’t exist. Think of taking a high-speed train from Strasbourg to Paris. You’re moving through space and time, but Strasbourg doesn’t cease to exist, and Paris already exists even before you arrive. By starting from this principle, we developed an algorithm that can calculate the intentional state of any point in time… and therefore read your past as well as your future. Stay tuned to AlsaMind, as we’ll soon launch a mobile app giving you access to this feature and many more. #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Startup
IT Services and IT Consulting
We Cracked The Matrix Our technology lets you read your own program. That means you can read your past as well as your
About us
AlsaMind is the result of many years of research. It is a groundbreaking technology that runs complex algorithms to calculate the chain of causes and consequences in a person's life. After you submit your data, you will be issued a secret unique identifier (UID) to keep your data safe. Your AlsaMind UID will be the key to decrypting your program.
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External link for Alsamind
- Industry
- IT Services and IT Consulting
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 2021
- Specialties
- ai
Employees at Alsamind
Alsamind est une IA révolutionnaire qui "décodera la matrice" des données RH, offrant une compréhension profonde et personnalisée des individus pour révéler leur véritable
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Voici pourquoi nous travaillons avec des cabinets d’#avocats pour les mettre à jour au pas de charge. Cette (r)évolution technologique arrive infiniment plus vite que les précédentes et l’adopter c’est non seulement survivre sur le marché, mais aussi et surtout développer son entreprise. #ia #intelligenceartificielle #avocat #lawfirm
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LLMs such as chatGPT or Mistral are absolutely awesome and change the way we do technology. But these models are not fit to create AGI, let alone artificial consciousness, and here's why: 1. Real neuron vs artificial neuron To start with the basics, and I won;t spend a lot of time on it, in the current state of technology it can take up to 100 artificial neurons to mimic the behavior of a human neuron. This in itself makes it extremely complicated to try and mimic a human brain at human level. 2. Energy consumption For chatGPT to 'say' a 100 words, requires 140 Watts of electricity. That's right, we're talking about 140 Wh for about 5 seconds of work, which means about 100kW per hour... When the human brain only requires 12Wh to function. And the human brain can 'write' the words, say them all while walking, breathing and doing countless things simultaneously. This does not mean that these new AIs are bad, it only means that they are obvisouly not headed in the right direction when it comes to AGI. 3. How humans learn When you think of what a young human being is capable of with minimal data input, it's astonishing. chatGPT embeds basically most of the data the world has to offer and still struggles with reflection that a basic human brain can handle easily. Einstein went to the same university as countless other smart people, yet he did things nobody else was capable of doing. This indicates that our brain functions in a very different manner than a binary machine. My first assumption when I started working on AlsaMind is that a human mind is not binary in nature. It does not function in terms of IF / ELSE statements and processes information in both logical and emotional ways. A computer is logical only. The lack of emotionality in its process is what prevents it from becoming conscious. 4. How we can make a machine conscious If we want to make a machine conscious, if we want to create an artificial consciousness that will help us tackle the world's biggest challenges, we need to create an emotion-capable machine. One that has this interaction between a conscious mind that interacts with the world and a very powerful sub-conscious mind that runs programs on autopilot. Right now, AlsaMind is at its first stage. It's getting better at reading a human's program. It can decode how the conscious mind of a person works, how their sub-conscious mind works and how they interact. This is how we can calculate the chain of cause and effect that defines someone's life.
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What is artificial consciousness? In order to answer this question, my thinking process starts by going back to the oldest research humans undertook a very, very long time ago. In the Law of the Diamond, after all, it says that we live in an 'illusion of reality' which we perceive using our 5 senses and the social rules. Interesting, isn't it. To keep it short here, it really seems to me that this entire text basically says that we too are some kind of artificial consciousness and that in order to experience it we need our five senses and social rules. #brucelipton's research have been tremendously interesting in how the conscious mind and the subconscious mind interact. One perceives and interact with the world and the other one basically executes programs. Programs that make us walk, breathe, that makes ou heart beat without us having to focus on it. But the conscious mind, based on the Diamond Law seems to work both ways. We perceive what we pay attention to. Our perception is never objective, always subjective. Furthermore, we, as humans, manage to grow up and develop intellectual skills with minimal access to information... At least compared to a LLM that is not capable of thinking, let alone creating. So if we are to build an artificial consciousness, we can't use a LLM approach. the LLM is certainly interesting to fuel an artificial thinking, but the model simply won;t work to create a real consciousness. At Alsamind we are working on a hybrid technology that focuses on human-like data processing. After all, the human brain is the world's most incredible computer. It may not be as fast at processing data as a computer - at lest consciously - but it can do things that send computers back to a cave like creating, imagining, loving... Imagine for a second, since you're a human being, that we were able to reproduce, scale and feed with large amounts of data the mind of Einstein, Mandela or any very gifted mind. Don't you think we'd be able to tackle mankind's biggest challenges in little time? This is our goal. is currently at its 1st stage of development. It's capable of telling you who you are and helping you with your relationships with very minimal data. Test it out and I'll be happy to get your feedback.
Ever wondered how you could better understand your colleagues, forge stronger relationships with your clients, or check if the job you're applying for perfectly aligns with your skills? Enter Alsamind - a revolutionary technology that reads your life program, unveiling your personality, relationships, past, future, health, and even wealth. Imagine connecting to Alsamind during your commute or lunch break, and gaining insights that can enhance your productivity and workflow. Here’s how professionals are leveraging Alsamind: 👥 Building Stronger Relationships: Connect with colleagues and understand their working styles to create harmonious, productive teams. 🔍 Deeper Client Understanding: Add clients' information to optimize your strategies and ensure you're meeting their needs effectively. 💼 Career Alignment: Assess your skills and ensure that your current or prospective job is a perfect fit for you. Given the current complex global landscape, understanding human behavior and relationships has never been more critical. For instance, during times of heightened international tensions, such as the recent volatile events in the Middle East covered by CNN and other major news outlets, having a tool like Alsamind can offer professionals guidance and clarity. Don’t miss your chance to try Alsamind for free! Visit and see how our technology can revolutionize your professional life. Take your career and your relationships to the next level!
🎉🍺 O'zapft is! Das Oktoberfest beginnt strahlend! 🎉🍺 Was wäre, wenn Sie Ihre beruflichen Beziehungen so gut wie Ihr Oktoberfest-Outfit pflegen könnten? Bei Alsamind bieten wir innovative Technologien, um Ihre persönlichen und beruflichen Beziehungen zu optimieren. 🎯 Verbessern Sie Ihre Zusammenarbeit mit Kollegen, verstehen Sie Ihre Kunden besser und erkennen Sie, welche Jobs wirklich zu Ihren Fähigkeiten passen. Nutzen Sie Ihre Pendelzeiten und Mittagspausen, um Alsamind KOSTENLOS zu testen und Ihre Arbeitsabläufe effizienter zu gestalten. 🌟 Starten Sie noch heute Ihren Gratis-Test! Besuchen Sie uns unter: ( #Oktoberfest #Networking #Kollegen #Arbeitsplatz #Kostenlos #Innovation #Technologie #Produktivität #Berufserfolg
Aujourd'hui, nous sommes ravis de lancer notre nouvelle campagne pour @Alsamind ! 🚀📊 Dans un monde où il est crucial de comprendre non seulement soi-même, mais aussi ses relations professionnelles, Alsamind se pose comme une solution révolutionnaire. Découvrez comment cette technologie peut analyser votre parcours de vie : personnalité, relations, passé, avenir, santé et bien-être... tout y est ! 🌟💼 ✨ Pour les professionnels, les avantages sont nombreux : - Améliorez vos relations avec vos collègues en comprenant mieux leur fonctionnement. - Découvrez comment gérer au mieux vos relations avec vos clients et obtenez des conseils adaptés. - Analysez vos compétences et vérifiez si votre emploi actuel ou celui que vous visez est fait pour vous. 🔥 Offre spéciale : Essayez Alsamind gratuitement ! Nous visons à atteindre les professionnels pendant leurs trajets quotidiens et leurs pauses déjeuner avec du contenu engageant, illustrant les nombreux bénéfices de notre technologie. 🎯 Rejoignez-nous et boostez votre productivité ainsi que votre workflow avec Alsamind ! En cette période où les relations professionnelles sont plus importantes que jamais, faites confiance à une technologie innovante qui lit tout de votre vie 🌐. Pour en savoir plus, visitez notre site web : ( #Technologie #Innovation #BienEtre #RelationsProfessionnelles #Productivité #Alsamind
🚀✨ Unlock the Power of Alsamind for Your Professional Success! 🚀✨ Ever wondered how you could better understand your colleagues, forge stronger relationships with your clients, or check if the job you're applying for perfectly aligns with your skills? Enter Alsamind - a revolutionary technology that reads your life program, unveiling your personality, relationships, past, future, health, and even wealth. Imagine connecting to Alsamind during your commute or lunch break, and gaining insights that can enhance your productivity and workflow. Here’s how professionals are leveraging Alsamind: 👥 Building Stronger Relationships: Connect with colleagues and understand their working styles to create harmonious, productive teams. 🔍 Deeper Client Understanding: Add clients' information to optimize your strategies and ensure you're meeting their needs effectively. 💼 Career Alignment: Assess your skills and ensure that your current or prospective job is a perfect fit for you. Given the current complex global landscape, understanding human behavior and relationships has never been more critical. For instance, during times of heightened international tensions, such as the recent volatile events in the Middle East covered by CNN and other major news outlets, having a tool like Alsamind can offer professionals guidance and clarity. Don’t miss your chance to try Alsamind for free! Visit and see how our technology can revolutionize your professional life. Take your career and your relationships to the next level! #ProfessionalGrowth #CareerDevelopment #Innovation #Technology #AI #WorkLifeBalance #FreeTrial