Last week, I put on my teacher hat and gave a four-day introduction course to LabVIEW to thirty students in microengineering at HEPIA. 👨🏫
As a #LabVIEW enthusiast and former student from HEPIA in the same sector, I am grateful for this opportunity to share my knowledge and experience with the next generation of engineers.
Four days is quite short, especially with such a big audience, but I managed to cover the basics of LabVIEW and introduce base architectures up to the event-driven state machine. 👌
We also took half a day to do a hands-on exercise with #DAQmx, in which students had to acquire two analogue signals representing the coordinates of a joystick and, based on their position, generate two digital signals to turn on LEDs.
I think everyone enjoyed this lesson (I hope so) and I think I managed to offer a good introduction to LabVIEW and spread the main word :
LabVIEW is an amazing toolbox and you can probably achieve whatever you want with it if you use it correctly. The graphical interface makes it easy to start with, but like any other programming language, you won't go far without learning proper architectures (and practising).
Also, LabVIEW is one programming language among many others and there are many ways to solve the same problem (this is why we are engineers, right?). In the end, you should use what you are comfortable with.
This last sentence is also why I am also grateful to give this training. Some people may be ok with a text-based programming language, some others not, and for those, I hope LabVIEW could be their go-to environment.
I would like to thank Thibault Vadon for being my assistant for this course and organising everything ahead of it and to Michel Lauria and others at HEPIA for lending us the material for the hands-on session.
Now, I am back to my daily activities but I will continue to fight and spread some love around to see LabVIEW being more used in academia (and without spaghetti code 😉).
#teaching #labview #daqmx #students #engineering #ni
Haute école du paysage, d'ingénierie et d'architecture de Genève - HEPIA
HES-SO Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale
ANGARA TECHNOLOGY - NI (National Instruments)