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What do you get when you gather some of the best minds on digital marketing, platform building, and book promotion for nonfiction authors? An incredible event! Join us online April 2–4 for live sessions, workshops, and Q&As where you'll get to hear from the following: Peter Winick and Bill Sherman - On the ROI of business books, and how to maximize yours Jeremy P. Madsen - On how to build a reader magnet and an email system that converts casual leads into subscribers who trust and value your emails Norbert Orlewicz - On how to engage and monetize your email list with effective, value-added email content Ben Guttmann - On how to communicate your message simply Fauzia Burke - On how to use AI to simplify your marketing and save you time Sarah Nelson - On how to use Canva to cheaply and easily create graphics for your content Austin Falter🎥 - On how to spread your message through effective short-form video content Dianna Bensch, Stacey Hall, and Peter Winick - On how to build your network and reach through LinkedIn Keri Childers - On how to build a speaking career alongside your book Jonathan Stutz, M.A. and Eddie Pate, Ph.D. - On what they learned from launching and marketing their bestselling book, Daily Practices of Inclusive Leaders Becky Robinson - On how to take everything you learned from this workshop and turn it into an effective, focused marketing campaign Learn more at (Besides the people above, a huge thanks to Charles Feltman, Kristen Frantz, and Christy Kirk for contributing their ideas and experience, and to the support of our board of directors: Julie Winkle Giulioni, Gerald Harris, Manoel Amorim, Sandra Rowe, John Kador, Nayelli Gonzalez and Jeevan Sivasubramaniam. Thank you!)