bioRxiv & medRxiv

bioRxiv & medRxiv

Non-profit Organizations

Cold Spring Harbor, New York 1,032 followers

bioRxiv & medRxiv are non-profit, journal-agnostic preprint servers for biology and health sciences.

About us

bioRxiv & medRxiv are non-profit, journal-agnostic preprint servers for biology and health sciences. Operated by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
11-50 employees
Cold Spring Harbor, New York


Employees at bioRxiv & medRxiv


  • Take a look at this preprint by Bezuidenhout, et al ( which was recently reviewed through Rapid Review Infectious Diseases to see an example of a community-organized group that reviewed a preprint and gave feedback to authors. The rapid sharing of science by posting preprints on bioRxiv and medRxiv allows authors to incorporate this feedback and improve their manuscript. You’ll be able to see “Community Reviews” by looking at the launchbar below the preprint’s DOI (3rd icon with three people will be highlighted in red). Once you click on the icon, the link to the review will appear on the dashboard that opens on the right.  Preprint reviews are a great way for early career researchers to get involved in peer review, gain experience and network with fellow researchers. For a full list of preprints with community reviews on bioRxiv & medRxiv, visit

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  • You can cite preprints in journal articles, other preprints, grant applications and reports, presentations, CV, etc. bioRxiv and medRxiv support this by having an easy way of adding the formatted citation to your citation manager of choice. To download a preprint’s citation, navigate to “Citation Tools” on the top right of the preprint page and select your preferred format. It’s that easy!

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  • Take a look at this preprint by Deng et al ( which was recently reviewed through preLights to see an example of a community-organized group that reviewed a preprint and gave feedback to authors. The rapid sharing of science by posting preprints on bioRxiv and medRxiv allows authors to incorporate this feedback and improve their manuscript. You’ll be able to see other community reviews by clicking on the “Community Reviews” link of the new “Reviews and Context” widget on the right-hand side column of the preprint page (or at the bottom of the page, on mobile view). Once you click on the link or icon, the review will appear on the dashboard that opens on the right.  Preprint reviews are a great way for early career researchers to get involved in peer review, gain experience and network with fellow researchers. For a full list of preprints with community reviews on bioRxiv & medRxiv, visit

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  • One of our goals at bioRxiv is to provide readers with additional context for preprints and alert them to discussion and evaluation of the research presented. This is aggregated in the bioRxiv dashboard, which includes on-site comments, peer reviews from journals and independent peer-review initiatives, automated analyses, and links to discussion of the work in dedicated community forums and the media. The original launchbar has been re-designed to make it clearer to readers that many preprints have associated comments, evaluations and/or analyses. The dashboard is now accessible alongside every article by clicking on a new widget ("Reviews and Context") to the right of the abstract (bottom of the page on mobile). This new format is coming to medRxiv soon! Read more about the dashboard functionality here:

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  • To promote the rapid dissemination of new research, bioRxiv and medRxiv depend on Affiliates who help screen manuscripts. Affiliates are active scientists who volunteer their time to quickly determine whether submitted articles include biological research and do not have the potential to cause harm to the public. Marc Robinson-Rechavi has been a bioRxiv Affiliate since 2021. Marc is a Professor of Bioinformatics at the University of Lausanne and his research is focused on linking the evolution of animal development to genome evolution.  Marc enjoys being an affiliate so that he can help make the promise of preprints a reality and, since becoming one, he has learned how the sausage of preprinting is made and what a wonderful community of people are behind biorXiv. Thanks to affiliates like Marc we can continue sharing new research within ~48h of submission. To learn more about our screening procedures please click here:

    • Meet the Affiliates
Marc Robinson-Rechavi, bioRxiv Affiliate since 2021
"I enjoy being
an affiliate because I help make the promise of preprints a reality and get to see cool science before it's public."
  • Authors can submit revisions to their posted preprints on bioRxiv and medRxiv at any time before the manuscript is accepted by a journal. By posting an updated version of their manuscript under the same DOI, the version history of the manuscript is preserved and readers can follow the evolution of scientific studies. Authors are requested to provide a summary of changes in the “Revision Summary” which is accessible through the link on the top right of the preprint page. All versions remain available on the site through the “Info/History” tab. For more details, please see our FAQs:,

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  • bioRxiv & medRxiv are proud to end another amazing year with >56,000 new preprints (that’s a 12% increase vs last year!), and contributions from >140 countries. During 2024, we shared the raw results of our user survey on Zenodo and continued our weekly advocacy on social media. We were also delighted to see Bluesky added to Altmetrics’ badge (available through the “Metrics” tab). To everyone who submitted and screened those papers, and engaged with us on social media or in real life, thank you for joining us in sharing new research in an open and equitable way! #preprints #openscience

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  • Take a look at this preprint by AGJ Vidal et al (, lab of Jorge Vidal) which was recently reviewed through PREreview to see an example of a community-organized group that reviewed a preprint and gave feedback to authors. The rapid sharing of science by posting preprints on bioRxiv and medRxiv allows authors to incorporate this feedback and improve their manuscript. You’ll be able to see “Community Reviews” by looking at the launchbar below the preprint’s DOI (3rd icon with three people will be highlighted in red). Once you click on the icon, the link to the review will appear on the dashboard that opens on the right.  Preprint reviews are a great way for early career researchers to get involved in peer review, gain experience and network with fellow researchers. For a full list of preprints with community reviews on bioRxiv & medRxiv, visit

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  • Have you ever wondered where to look for the Supplementary Material referenced in a preprint? If the authors have uploaded those files, a link called “Supplementary Material” will be available on the right-hand side section of the preprint page. If the link is not there, we encourage readers to post a public comment on the preprint requesting that the authors submit a revision that includes those files. For details on how to submit a comment, please see this blog post:

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  • To promote the rapid dissemination of new research, bioRxiv and medRxiv depend on Affiliates who help screen manuscripts. Affiliates are active scientists who volunteer their time to quickly determine whether submitted articles include biological research and do not have the potential to cause harm to the public. David Schoppik has been a bioRxiv Affiliate since 2022. David is an Associate Professor at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine (USA) researching balance. His lab aims to discover how reflexes that permit stable movements develop and function, and to understand how neurodegenerative disease compromises balance. In order to do this they use zebrafish, a small model vertebrate. David loves getting to say “yes!” over and over again. Each manuscript represents the authors’ best attempt to put something new and sometimes beautiful and maybe even true into the world. Therefore, he firmly believes that approving preprints for posting as an Affiliate is an unambiguously good use of his time! Thanks to Affiliates like David we can continue sharing new research within ~48h of submission. To learn more about our screening procedures please click here:

    • Meet the Affiliates - David Schoppik. bioRxiv Affiliate since 2022.
"Being an Affiliate has strongly reinforced my belief that science is an enterprise composed overwhelmingly of people trying to do the best job they can."

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