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Bowling Green Economic Development

Bowling Green Economic Development

Civic and Social Organizations

Bowling Green, OH 325 followers

Bowling Green Economic Development enriches the community through service, creativity, and collaboration.

About us

Bowling Green Economic Development is a public/private partnership organized exclusively to promote the general economic welfare of the community. We focus on improving business conditions for individuals and corporations within Bowling Green, as well as: retaining sound businesses within the community, promoting cooperation in matters of interest to the business and professional community, attracting new business, and promoting the Bowling Green area inside and beyond the immediate geographic area. The BGED acts as a liaison between Businesses and Government as well as between public agencies and private lenders. The BGED also acts as administration with the City Revolving Loan Fund and the City Enterprise Zone, and State/Federal program assistance for businesses.

Civic and Social Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees
Bowling Green, OH
Area Marketing/Business Attraction, Business Retention/Expansion, Business Park Development, Dissemination of Economic/Demographic Info, Inventory of Available Land and Industrial/Commercial Space, and Business Advocacy/Advisory Services


Employees at Bowling Green Economic Development


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