What an unforgettable evening at this year’s Soup for the Soul! 🎉 The atmosphere was electric, with nearly 300 guests stepping out in their stunning 1920s attire, bringing the Hyatt Ballroom to life! Thanks to 42 amazing corporate and community sponsors, the room was filled with passion and dedication for Bridge to Home’s mission. Every dollar raised directly supports the essential programs that uplift our neighbors in need. Each of you are the ones feeding souls, offering warmth, and most importantly – spreading hope. 🙌 Thank you for being part of something truly special as we ROAR into a New Era! Your generosity is making a real difference in the lives of many. 💚🙏💚 More photos of this beautiful evening to follow!! #SoupForTheSoul #RoaringIntoANewEra #BridgeToHome #Gratitude #MakingADifference #helphopechange #scv #santaclarita #endhomeslessness #hyattregencyvalencia #scvnonprofit