Browns Plantations’ cover photo
Browns Plantations

Browns Plantations

Food and Beverage Manufacturing

One of Sri Lanka's Largest Plantation Companies - Member of LOLC Holdings

About us

Sri Lanka’s largest and leading Plantation Company encompassing Maturata Plantations Limited, Udapussellawa Plantations PLC and Hapugastenne Plantations PLC. Spanning approximately a total of 25, 415 hectares of land and cultivating a diverse range of produce such as Tea, Rubber, Cinnamon, Coconut, Commercial Timber and Ancillary Crops, Browns Plantations which falls under Browns Investments PLC, is poised at the cusp of success in a cross-section of key industries. All three plantation companies have been recognized locally and globally with various awards such as Social Dialogue Award, Responsible Care Award, Gold Winner in the Ceylon Tea Speciality Estate of the Year Competition and Grand Charity Auction. Moreover, most of Browns Plantation Estates are trusted with standards and certifications such as Rainforest Alliance, ISO 2200 and HACCP.

Food and Beverage Manufacturing
Company size
10,001+ employees
Public Company

Employees at Browns Plantations


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