How To Make A DC Air Cooler The principle of honeycomb cooling is Indian wisdom. It adopts the principle of an evaporative cooler. The operation method is quite simple and easy to understand: first stack hundreds of clay cones into a lotus root shape, pour water from the top, and follow the structure of the clay cones. Absorb water, and eventually, the water will evaporate from the soaked cone, thus reducing the surrounding environment by 6 to 10°F. Although the effect is not obvious, it is somewhat helpful. #Carbcoin #Netzero #SDGs #Sustainable #CarbonNeutral 如何DIY一台直流空氣冷卻器 蜂巢冷卻的原理是印度人的智慧,採用蒸發式冷卻器的原理,運作方式相當淺顯易懂:先把上百的陶土錐堆疊成蓮藕狀,把水從上面淋下來,順著結構陶錐會吸收水分,最後水會自浸泡過的錐體蒸發,以此降低周遭環境 6~10°F,雖然感覺效果沒很明顯,但多少也是有幫助。
Carbcoin AIoT Sdn. Bhd.
Services for Renewable Energy
Carbcoin is the very first public physical blockchain for AIoT, which verifies carbon into tokens with DePIN.
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- 11-50 employees
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Carbcoin has made another big step forward in its development in Malaysia. Thanks to our partners Mr. Sim and Dato' Rashid for their strong local promotion. #Carbcoin #Netzero #SDGs #Kenaf #Sustainable 智碳鏈在大馬的深耕又前進了一大步,感謝合夥人沈大哥和拿督的給力推廣。
Scientists study: There is much ancient carbon under the moon's surface, more than humans imagine. It is likely to have existed after the moon was formed! On the Mid-Autumn Festival night, everyone was admiring the moon. I was teaching carbon credits in English online. I watch the moon and think there is a lot of carbon. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival and moon viewing! 科學家研究:月球地表下含有大量古老的碳,比人類想像的還多,很可能是月球形成後就存在了! 無心插柳柳橙汁就是像這樣,中秋夜大家都在賞月,我在連線用英文教碳權,其實月亮上的碳也很多,大家知道嗎?中秋賞月快樂!
In the autumn of October, Youuxi Digital will visit Central America to join the Taiwan Weekly Business Exhibition. This time we are focusing on two products. One is the AIoT Carbcoin, the first self-charged carbon mining machine on the surface, and the other is in July this summer. The AMAOIC APP based on AIGC first launched in Japan, is the ultimate last-mile social media app where boomers can use AI to play memes and earn money. Do you want to play? Come on! Join us. 十月金秋有戲數位即將前往中美洲參加台灣週商展,我們這次主推兩個,一個是AIoT智碳鏈,地表上第一個自帶電的碳礦機,另一個是今夏七月燒燙燙在日本首發的AIGC阿嬤OIC APP,長輩用AI玩梗圖還可以賺摳摳的社群最後一哩終極應用,想玩嗎?來吧!加入我們。
Happy... We have officially brought the Intelligent Carbcoin to Malaysia, and things have been talked about (in Malaysian terms). Carbcoin is proud to make Malaysia the leader in carbon neutrality. 開心的勒⋯我們正式把智碳鏈帶進馬來西亞了,事情談的七七八八了(大馬說法),讓馬來西亞成為碳中和領頭羊,Carbcoin與有榮焉。
This Air Conditioner Operates Without Electricity Have you ever thought about having an air conditioner that doesn't require electricity? Well, this innovation is already a reality, and it's called Beehive, created by Ant Studio from India. The Beehive is a system that uses terracotta cones arranged like a beehive, where reused water flows. The magic happens when the hot air encounters these terracotta cones, resulting in a natural cooling process that transforms the environment into a cooler and more pleasant place. What’s even more exciting is that if the new low-carbon raw material “kenaf” is used to make building walls, coupled with Beehive’s design principles, the original cooling efficiency can be further optimized and reduced by more than 5 degrees, and solar energy can be used to make the outside of the wall Water cycle, you will be promoted to a new generation of human beings who are friendly to the earth! #carbcoin #AIoT #greenenergy #carbonneutral #netzreo #ESG 這台空調無需電力即可運行 您是否想過擁有一台不需要電力的空調?嗯,這個創新已經成為現實,它被稱為 Beehive,由來自印度的 Ant Studio 創建。蜂巢是一個使用像蜂巢一樣排列的赤土錐體的系統,重複利用的水在其中流動。當熱空氣遇到這些陶土錐體時,神奇的事情就會發生,產生自然冷卻過程,將環境變成一個更涼爽、更宜人的地方。 更令人興奮的是,如果採用新型低碳原料「紅麻」來製作建築牆體,再加上Beehive的設計原理,原來的冷卻效率可以進一步優化,降低5度以上,太陽能可以用來做牆外的水循環,你將晉升為對地球友善的新一代人類!
Many people will ask, how much electricity can a solar panel provide? This involves the energy efficiency of the solar panel itself, as well as the capacity of the energy storage system, the intensity and time of sunlight, and most importantly thing is the power consumption of your electrical appliances. So the answer is generally based on the home appliances you use: 1 kilowatt hour of electricity is the basic unit of usage. That is, a 1,000W appliance consumes 1 kilowatt of electricity per hour. Then a 40W appliance consumes only one-twenty-fifth of that, which is directly divided: 1000Wh/40W = 25h (hour). Then you can know immediately how long 1-kilowatt hour of electricity will last; that is, a 40W appliance can be used for 25 hours per kilowatt hour. As far as home is concerned, 25 hours is more than one day. If a 17W energy-saving light bulb is used, 1 kilowatt hour of electricity can be used for longer hours and is more economical. By analogy, for other large and small electrical appliances, as long as the capacity is compared with 1,000Wh, the time that the appliance can be used for 1 kilowatt hour of electricity can be obtained. The top three electric monsters to eat: TOP1 air conditioner: average use requires 900 watts. If used for 3 to 5 hours a day in summer, it consumes 135 kilowatt-hours of monthly electricity. TOP2 electric heater: The average power consumption is 700 watts. Based on three hours of daily use, it consumes 63 kilowatt-hours of electricity per month. TOP3 electric water heater: The average power consumption is 6000 watts, which consumes about 60 kilowatt hours of electricity a month. #Carbcoin #AIoT #greenenergy #esg #netzero 很多人會問,一片太陽能板到底能提供多少電?其實這牽涉到太陽能板本身的能效,以及儲能系統容量和太陽光強弱與時間,最重要的是你的電器功率消耗。 所以一般皆以你使用的家電來解答: 1度電為使用量的基本單位,即1,000W的器具1小時耗電1度,那麼40W的器具僅其二十五分之一,即直接相除下:1000Wh╱40W=25h(小時),那麼1度電能用多久,馬上就可以知道了;亦即40W的器具其1度電可使用25小時。就居家而言,25小時已超過1天,如果省電燈泡1個17W,則其1度電可用的時數會更長,亦更經濟。以此類推,其他大小型的用電器具,只要將它的容量來跟1,000Wh相比,就能得到該器具1度電可使用的時間。 吃電怪獸前三名: TOP1冷氣機:平均使用需900瓦,若夏季每天使用3至5小時,一個月消耗135度電。 TOP2電暖爐:平均消耗功率需700瓦,以每天使用三小時計算,每個月消耗63度電。 TOP3電熱水器:平均消耗功率需6000瓦,一個月約消耗60度電。
Carbcoin partners in Malaysia are working with FRIM (Forest Research Institute Malaysia) to officially submit the Intelligent Carbcoin, the first true device AIoT blockchain on the surface, which implements DePIN (decentralized blockchain technology and crypto-economics infrastructure), it can not only check the carbon data of green electricity but also detect the carbon sink stock of the forest. I’m so happy that we have come this far together across borders. Jiya is remotely involved in technical support, and Dato is helping me present and pitch. It’s a great honor. #Carbcoin #AIoT #Carbonneutral #ESG #Carbonsink #Netzero #greenenergy 馬國的Carbcoin合伙人正代表與FRIM (Forest Research Institute Malaysia) 官方提報智碳鏈,地表上第一個實體AIoT區塊鏈,實踐了DePIN(去中心化的區塊鏈技術和加密經濟學的基礎設施),不僅可以驗算綠電的碳數據,還可以探測森林的碳匯存量。真開心我們跨國一起走到這一步,Jiya遠端參與提供技術支援中,拿督正在幫我提報,真是倍感榮幸。
Thanks to Mr. Sim, the Malaysian partner, for introducing the Dato and the SIRIM official verification, Carbcoin has verified the market feasibility through MVP and is ready to kick off landing in the ASEAN market. #carbcoin #AIoT #greenenergy #carbonneutral #netzreo #ESG 感謝馬國合伙人沈大哥引薦拿督與官方驗證單位SIRIM,Carbcoin智碳鏈經過MVP驗證了市場可行性,踏上落地ASEAN市場的敲門磚。
Congratulations! has completed its seed round of financing, led by Amber and Chuangyi Capital. Carbcoin is a provider of carbon footprint, credits, and carbon sinks ESG total solutions based on a combination of blockchain technology and AIoT. #Carbcoin #ESG #Carbconneutral #Carboncredits 恭喜! Carbcoin.xn--io-060dxir3izui2m1cpmwcoksyf,由Amber和創益資本領投。 Carbcoin是一家基於區塊鏈技術與AIOT結合的碳足跡、積分、碳匯ESG整體解決方案供應商。