Category Labs reposted this
We’re thrilled to announce that Monad Labs will continue to build high-performance blockchain infrastructure under a new name - Category Labs. Our team of system engineers and researchers will continue to contribute to the Monad blockchain with an optimized, built-from-scratch client and original research. As the team grows and executes, we will explore additional thoughtful ways to leverage our team’s technical expertise to expand what’s possible with decentralized systems. This rebranding is part of a larger organizational update, signaling a next step in the evolution of the Monad blockchain: the announcement of the Monad Foundation, an independent organization dedicated to encouraging the development and adoption of the Monad protocol. Over the last few years, the team has pioneered new technology to support Monad’s ambitious performance targets including a new database for efficiently storing Ethereum Merkle trie and a means of optimistic parallel execution of Ethereum transactions. Our researchers are pushing the envelope of what’s possible with BFT consensus algorithms and decoupled execution. “A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem?”