What a great way to start the week; a marvelous Monday post by France Science! Our Founder, Dr. Anne Chiaramello is eager co-present at the first Apéro des Sciences of the season, with Dr. Nicolas Bouladoux, Staff Scientist, Laboratory of Host Immunity and Microbiome, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), NIH. What is Apéro des Sciences? You might say these events encourage scientific minds to unwind and enjoy the French joie de vivre (joy of living:) Apéro is a beloved evening tradition enjoyed in French culture. Short for apéritif, this word has taken on a meaning far beyond the drink itself. The congenial and relaxed apéro experience is a classic representation of the French. Juxtaposed with scientific insights, Apéro des Sciences is a series of events that engage the French and Francophile scientific community. The events generate thought-sharing and build a familial, cross-culture community amongst scientific minds. Chiaramello, who completed her first two degrees in her homeland, will share highlights of what led her to set sail for San Diego four decades ago, to complete her education, followed by her early-career experiences at Colorado State University. After the Apéro Evening, Dr. Chiaramello will unpack those intriguing highlights of her journey to our followers HERE on LI (in apéro-style tidbits:) Of course, our tenacious Founder will give insights into the latest progress the Mito-EpiGen Program’s groundbreaking research! Chiaramello gives a sneak peek, explaining, “We are at a momentous point in our FDA-authorized Basket Clinical Trial.” She smiles, “That’s all that I will share until after l’apéro.” So, stay tuned! She did comment that her Homeland Pride was bursting, as this is the very first Apéro des Sciences to be held outside the walls of the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States! “To welcome my fellow French professionals and our Francophile colleagues to this much-anticipated event co-hosted at The George Washington University, my professional “home” over two decades, is truly gratifying.” She also reflected that this collegial event to cultivate community in the scientific community is perfectly timed, following an engaging webinar with National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) 5-Year Strategic Plan, shared by Dr. Joni L Rutter. In DC? Interested in joining in person? When? October 10th at 6:30 pm Where? George Washington University, Science and Engineering Hall RSVP and address in post below and link. See the announcement on the GW website: Mireille Guyader, Joaquim Nassar, Juliette Falewée, Maureen Ravanel, Leah Namoune #clinicaltrials #mitochondrialdisease #mitochondria #melas #lhonplus #ncats #umdf
🔬 We are thrilled to co-host the first Apéro des Sciences of the season with The George Washington University. The first to be held outside the walls of the embassy! 📣 Join us for this exiting event with renowned French scientists: ⚫ Anne Chiaramello, Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Founding Director of the Mito-EpiGen Program School of Medicine and Health Sciences, George Washington University ⚫ Nicolas Bouladoux, Staff Scientist, Laboratory of Host Immunity and Microbiome, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institutes of Health They will share their groundbreaking research and careers 💫 📅 October 10th at 6:30 pm 📍 George Washington University, Science and Engineering Hall (800, 22nd St NW, Washington, DC 20052). 👉 RSVP to Embassy of France in the United States Mireille Guyader, Joaquim Nassar Richard Burke, Juliette Falewée, Maureen Ravanel, Leah Namoune