Churches United For Fair Housing (CUFFH)

Churches United For Fair Housing (CUFFH)

Civic and Social Organizations

Brooklyn, NY 218 followers

About us

Churches United for Fair Housing is a grassroots organization that works towards community empowerment through community organizing, youth engagement, and by providing sophisticated social services. CUFFH organizes towards preserving and creating vibrant communities that are not exclusive and are really affordable to working families in New York City. The CUFFH Network reaches thousands of community members across the City and includes Members (churches officially signed on to support our mission by hosting CUFFH committee meetings connecting congregants and community members to our housing campaigns) and Partners (other churches who have signed on to support our mission by hosting programs and granting us access to their facilities). CUFFH also engages over 3,000 community members who are not affiliated with a member church through our community organizing efforts and workshop programs; and our Allies include more than 40 city-wide non-church organizations, corporations, institutions, schools, coalitions and agencies that work with us to amplify our efforts. For more information about our programs and organizing efforts, please visit our website

Civic and Social Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees
Brooklyn, NY
Community Organizing, Affordable Housing, Tenant Rights, Immigrant Services, Know Your Rights Workshops, Youth Organizing, Leadership Development, Policy Advocacy, Social Justice , Legal Services, Social Services, Faith-based Organizing, Community Empowerment, Advocacy, Activism , Community Engagement , Community Development, Community-based Planning, and Community Coalitions


Employees at Churches United For Fair Housing (CUFFH)

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