Do you want to know more about #CORNERSTONE? Our mission is driven by these key objectives: 🔹Advancing Water Treatment Modules 🔹Smart Monitoring Tools for Digitalization 🔹Real-World Validation 🔹Sustainability Assessment 🔹 Decision Support Tool Stay tuned and subscribe to our channel for more information about CORNERSTONE and the recycling and recovery of industrial water! #Innovation #Sustainability #IndustrialTransformation
CORNERSTONE Industrial Water
Research Services
Combined technologies for water, energy and solute recovery from industrial process streams
About us
CORNERSTONE is an EU-funded project with the aim to integrate novel technological and digital developments into the existing industrial wastewater treatment systems for recovery and recycling of freshwater, energy and solutes. The overall objective is to achieve long-term circular economy of EU industry via recycling and reusing resources from industrial water and wastewater streams. Sixteen partners form eight European member states form a multidisciplinary consortium, which includes large enterprises, academia and research & technology organisations. Targeting steel, pulp, paper, and chemical industries, CORNERSTONE aligns with P4Planet's objectives, paving the way for circular processes and EU climate neutrality by 2050. EU funding No 101138504
- Industry
- Research Services
- Company size
- 51-200 employees
- Type
- Partnership
- Founded
- 2024
- Specialties
- Water Management, Circular Economy, Water, Industrial, Wastewater, and Recycling
Employees at CORNERSTONE Industrial Water
+++For our German speaking followers+++ Im #Wasser und Prozess Technologie (WPT) Labor von AEE INTEC wurde erstmalig eine oszillierende Membrandestillationsanlage (MD) entwickelt, aufgebaut und in Betrieb genommen. Was ermöglicht diese neue, mobile Laboranlage? Welche Experimente werden derzeit damit durchgeführt? Und was ist für die Zukunft geplant? Lesen Sie den kompletten Bericht, der auch im letzten AEE INTEC Newsetter erschienen ist: #Industriewasser
🚀 Partner Spotlight: #DECHEMA 🌍💧 We are happy to introduce one of our partners in #CORNERSTONE: the team at DECHEMA Water Management! As leaders in communication, dissemination, and exploitation, they play a key role in ensuring that CORNERSTONE’s results reach the right stakeholders for maximum impact. They also contribute to developing decision support tools for digital industrial water and resource management alongside 20FIFTY Partners and AEE INTEC. Their ultimate goal? Ensuring that the technologies and decision support tools developed in CORNERSTONE are not only demonstrated but also widely adopted and implemented in industrial processes. 🌱♻️ Read the full interview here: #Sustainability #CircularEconomy #WaterManagement #GreenIndustry #Innovation Christina Jungfer Jana Gäbler Andres Lucht Uribe Thomas Track Nicole Heine Sarah Fieger DECHEMA Water Management
Cejna Anna Quist-Jensen project leader of the EU initiative #CORNERSTONE Industrial Water, shares her insights on transforming industrial wastewater from a problem into a valuable resource. One promising solution is membrane distillation, a technology that enables: ✅ Recycling and reusing water in production processes ✅ Recovering valuable resources like metals and minerals from #wastewater The challenge lies in adapting these technologies to meet specific industrial needs, but the potential benefits are undeniable: reduced water consumption, resource efficiency, and greater #sustainability. The CORNERSTONE project focuses on advancing the reuse of water, energy, and other valuable resources in industrial settings—contributing to a circular and sustainable economy. Learn more about how innovative water treatment technologies are paving the way for a sustainable future. Check CORNERSTONE's website: #WaterTreatment #CircularEconomy #EUProjects #AAUDK
Water and wastewater treatment, membrane technology and resource recovery. I make solutions that ensure clean water to everybody!
Jeg er med i en video om rensning af industrielt spildevand 👇 Mit budskab er, at spildevandet kan forvandles fra et problem til en ressource. Der er selvfølgelig forskel fra branche til branche og fra virksomhed til virksomhed. Men fælles for dem er, at der findes løsninger. En af mulighederne er nye membranteknologier som membrandestillering. Det handler ’bare’ om at tilpasse teknologien til den konkrete udfordring💧! Hvis virksomhederne implementerer membrandestillering, vil de opleve disse fordele: ✅ Vandet kan recirkuleres og genbruges i produktionen ✅ Værdifulde ressourcer i spildevandet bliver opsamlet og genanvendt. Jeg står i spidsen for det store EU-projekt CORNERSTONE Industrial Water. Projektet har fokus på genbrug af vand, energi og andre ressourcer som f.eks. metaller/mineraler. Mit håb er, at de danske virksomheder også får lyst til at samarbejde om membrandestillering og andre membranteknologier. #aaudk #dkforsk #watertreatment
We are pleased to introduce one of our #CORNERSTONE partners, Covestro! In the scope of CORNERSTONE-project, #Covestro sets and works in the chemical industry case study, which focuses on energy recovery via anaerobic treatment of organically rich liquid waste or #wastewater streams that origin from the chemical production of synthetic materials. If you want to learn more about the exciting work of COVESTRO, read the interview here: Meenakshi Prasad Christoph Blöcher #EnergyRecovery #WastewaterTreatment #ChemicalIndustry #CircularEconomy #Sustainability #AnaerobicTreatment #WasteToEnergy
We are pleased to introduce one of our #CORNERSTONE partners, the Centre Technique du Papier (CTP) in France. 📄💧 #CTP is dedicated to supporting the pulp and paper industry by implementing innovative technologies aimed at reducing fresh water consumption. In collaboration with another CORNERSTONE partner, Essity, CTP focuses on integrating these advancements to promote sustainable water management within industrial processes. To learn more about CTP, read the whole interview here: #PulpAndPaper #Sustainability #WaterManagement
Season's Greetings from the CORNERSTONE Team! 2024 marked an exciting start for CORNERSTONE with our Kick-Off in Aalborg in January. This year, we’ve made great strides toward developing innovative solutions for water, energy, and solute recovery. With industrial water use expected to grow by 40% by 2050, our research is vital to driving sustainable transformation across industries, delivering significant environmental and societal benefits. We’re excited for what 2025 will bring! Wishing you joyful holidays and a happy New Year! Warm regards, The CORNERSTONE Team
Today, we are excited to introduce one of our partners in the CORNERSTONE project: 20FIFTY Partners! As the lead of Work Package 5 (WP5), their mission is to develop an integrated toolbox for digitally enabled stewardship to support the deployment of circular process technologies. This essential work will play a pivotal role in ensuring the replicability, scalability, and impact of the project’s proposed solutions. 🌟 Click here to read the full interview with #20FIFTYPartners: #Sustainability #CircularEconomy #Innovation #WaterManagement #Circularity #GreenTech #Wastewater
On December 10th, Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) organized the workshop on #CORNERSTONE Module 2: "Anaerobic Membrane Reactor." Project partners Technische Universität Darmstadt and BIOTHANE Anaerobic & Biogas Upgrading Technologies shared valuable insights into their work. The consortium gained extensive knowledge about anaerobic #wastewater treatment in general, including its advantages and disadvantages, anaerobic degradation, process parameters, inhibitory and toxic compounds, and reactor types. The anaerobic membrane reactor (AnMBR, Module 2) was introduced. For the development of the AnMBR technology in CORNERSTONE, preliminary examinations were conducted, including the analysis of industrial wastewater and the identification of problematic substances. Batch tests for anaerobic #biodegradability were also performed. Currently, the focus is on preparing continuous laboratory-scale tests of the AnMBR, which are planned to begin in 2025. Additionally, the project partners learned about experiences from several case studies where AnMBR is used for resource recovery, such as in the dairy or food industry. Many thanks to Markus Engelhart (TU Darmstadt) and Ran Shang (Biothane) for their valuable insights and to CERTH for organizing the workshop. #WastewaterTreatment #Biodegradability #ResourceRecovery #IndustrialWastewater #Sustainability #WaterManagement
At the Water Knowledge Europe event on November 10–11 in Brussels, the EU-funded project CORNERSTONE was presented. CORNERSTONE plays a key role in the water sector, contributing to the goals of Processes4Planet Partnership (P4Planet): The transformation of European process industries, making them #circular and achieving overall climate neutrality at the EU level by 2050, thus enhancing their global competitiveness. #P4Planet, a European public-private partnership led by A.SPIRE and the European Commission, supports sustainable approaches across industries. Angels Orduna , Executive Director of A.SPIRE, emphasized: “ASPIRE is an important contribution for the support of circular economy approaches”. CORNERSTONE exemplifies this by driving sustainability across the entire water value chain. Our Representatives from #DECHEMA (Thomas Track) and 20FIFTY Partners (Ken Stockil and Colm Gaskin) participated in the conference and took the opportunity to network, exchange knowledge and experience with key players from the entire water value chain. #WaterKnowledgeEurope #CircularEconomy #ClimateNeutrality #SustainableIndustries #WaterInnovation #EUProjects #ASPIRE #20FIFTYpartners #ClimateAction