This is such a great topic to dive into. This particular workshop is geared towards women. However, it can be customized to meet your teams' needs as well.
Leader, Solution Architect, Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Facilitator, Professor, Professional Connector, Trainer, Learning & Development
Only one more day until I am facilitating this amazing workshop to a group of women dedicated to growing and learning more about this important topic. Last month, my article on psychological safety was published, which sparked the interest of a prospective client. We met and discussed their needs, and this workshop came to life. I've been working on it for a couple of months and am so excited to share it tomorrow. If you or your teams have an interest in psychological safety, reach out! I would be happy to customize this workshop to meet your and your teams' needs! #cresecentasummitconsulting #growth #psychologicalsafety #leadership #women