Disabled CEO & Founder @ EdenChase Associates | Helping CPOs and Employers become Disability Confident
Are you recruiting for someone who needs a UK driving licence? Are you looking for a minimum number of years experience in X? Are you looking for someone who is a strong communicator*, administrator*? *delete as appropriate Are you looking for a genuine people person to join your dynamic team? Bad news is your job advertisements are: ❌ Gendered ❌ Discriminatory ❌ Not inclusive. ✅ Good news is you can join me tomorrow, Thurs the 9th of May at 1pm BST. ✅ To unlearn all the bad habits of JD writing. ✅ And learn how to create beautifully inclusive and non discriminatory ones instead! The sessions are FREE to attend. We host a new topic each week on Thursdays at 1pm BST. So grab your lunch and take a seat. See you tomorrow! Link to join in comments! #JobDescriptions #InclusiveRecruitment #DisabilityConfident #Recruitment Alt Description: Image of a clipboard with a job description template. The tick boxes read: Job Title, Description, Time Frame, Duties, Skills. You see the image of a hand with a pen ticking all the boxes in red ink. The background is blue and purple.