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EC² - Clean Energy Transition

EC² - Clean Energy Transition

Research Services

Energy Citizenship and Energy Communities for a Clean-Energy Transition - a Horizon 2020 Project

About us

A #Horizon2020 funded project investigating the legal, economic and policy conditions that facilitate energy citizenship and the role of energy communities as part of the transition to a low-carbon society.

Research Services
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11-50 employees

Employees at EC² - Clean Energy Transition


  • EC² has officially come to a close! In this video, you can see how we spent the final days of the project together with our partners in Wroclaw, Poland, reflecting and wrapping up the years of work together. We want to take a moment to thank all our partners for their time, energy and dedication to advancing knowledge, policy and practice around energy citizenship and energy communities. We're grateful for this fruitful collaboration and believe that the research and resources EC² has produced will provide inspiration and support to many on the path towards a citizen-led energy transition. And although the project is over, our websites will stay live, so you'll be able to find resources like our policy briefs, scientific papers, Energy Citizen Empowerment Kits and Community Energy Academy. Here's to a bright future! 💡

    6th EC² Consortium Meeting

  • ⚡ New energy policy brief alert! Don’t miss our latest publication with strategies on citizen empowerment to facilitate and accelerate a just and sustainable energy transition. 📖 Explore our key takeaways here and read “Recommendations for inclusive and empowered energy communities - How policymakers and initiative-takers can foster public support for and involvement in energy communities” at

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  • 💡 EC² is coming to an end and the final consortium meeting provided a chance to wrap up of all our work, reflect, and celebrate together. We spent our days in Wroclaw focused on completing the project, discussing its legacy, and ensuring its sustainability. Besides looking back on all we achieved and collecting learnings from our collaboration, we were able to spend some time visiting the beautiful city thanks to our wonderful hosts from WUEB. We also visited our Polish practice partner, the Housing Cooperative Wroclaw-South (HCWS), which runs the largest rooftop photovoltaic system in Poland - a fitting closure to a project centred around community energy! Overall it was an enjoyable mix of reflection, learning and celebration, and we are grateful to our hosts and all our partners for such a satisfying closure to our project. 📰 You can read the full report in our final project newsletter:

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  • EC² - Clean Energy Transition reposted this

    View profile for Bożena Ryszawska

    Associate Professor at Wroclaw University of Economics, sustainability transition and co-creation advisor

    Projekt badawczy EC² - Clean Energy Transition trwał 3 lata 2021-2024 Jakie są korzyści i rezultaty projektu: ✔️jako zespół naukowy z Wroclaw University of Economics and Business uczestniczyliśmy w prestiżowym programie Horyzont 2020 ✔️prowadziliśmy badania w aktualnym dla gospodarki obszarze transformacji energetycznej ✔️stworzyliśmy interdyscyplinarną definicję obywatelstwa energetycznego ✔️potwierdziliśmy nasze eksperckie kompetencje w zakresie zielonej transformacji gospodarki ✔️badania prowadzone były zgodnie z wymogami #citizenscience i #cocreation z udziałem interesariuszy spoza nauki ✔️staliśmy się rozpoznawalnym międzynarodowo zespołem naukowców-ekonomistów w temacie obywatelskiej transformacji energetycznej ✔️otrzymujemy zaproszenia do udziału w kolejnych europejskich projektach badawczych #energycitizenship #greeneconomy #cocreation #citizenscience #energytransition

    EC² (Energy Citizenship and Energy Communities for a Clean-Energy Transition) to międzynarodowy interdyscyplinarny projekt mający na celu wsparcie transformacji energetycznej krajów Unii Europejskiej. 🇪🇺🌲 Projekt #EC² służy zdobywaniu wiedzy w obszarze przechodzenia do gospodarki prosumenckiej, odpowiadając na pytanie, jak pasywni konsumenci energii mogą stać się aktywnymi obywatelami energii. ⚡ Zespół naukowców #UEW (Bożena Ryszawska, Magdalena Rozwadowska, Piotr Szymański) wraz z zespołem psychologów społecznych z Universität Leipzig, Universität Graz i University of Groningen oraz prawnikami z Universität Graz wypracował wspólną definicję obywatelstwa energetycznego. To pierwsza definicja pojęcia w badaniach naukowych. 💡 W dniach 8-10 kwietnia 2024 r. zapraszamy na spotkania w ramach 6th EC² Consortium Meeting. Miejscem spotkań będzie inQUBE Uniwersytecki Inkubator Przedsiębiorczości. 💚 Szczegółowe informacje 👉 #uewroc #fitfor55 #energycitizenship #ec2

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  • 💡 How can local and regional governments support energy citizenship? Our latest policy brief says there’s a big role for them to play as enablers offering tools, information, networking and infrastructure to help citizens exercise their rights and agency in the clean energy transition. 📖 Read our key takeaways and download the full brief “Localised support for establishing & joining energy communities” at

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  • 📌 Community Energy Academy + Community Conversation 📅 27th March 2024, 11:00 – 12:00 CET  💬 The role and potential of ecovillages in supporting the energy transition, in collaboration with local governments. Which role can ecovillages play in fostering energy citizenship and speeding up the energy transition? How does (or could) the collaboration between ecovillages and local governments work? Join the next session “Ecovillages and local authorities empowering energy transitions” to learn more and share your experience. The session will be hosted at the UrbanCommunity for Sustainable and Just Cities flagship program Community Conversation! 👉 Register at this link:

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  • 💡 The EC²project has continued to engage stakeholders in the project through a ‘Twinning’ of project energy communities and new communities to transfer knowledge. Communities looking to contribute to energy transition were twinned with EC² practice partners and were offered mentoring and exchange of knowledge through three webinars. During the third, and final webinar on March 11th, dedicated to Action Planning and Follow-Up, the stakeholders focused on creating a short and long term action plan for one of the communities. The idea for a Community within a Community was developed specifically for Pourgues ecovillage in the south of France. The action plan focuses on creating an energy community with the wider community surrounding the ecovillage and brings together practical recommendations from the practise partners Arterra Bizimodu, Buurkracht, the municipality of Scalenghe and Torri Superiore.

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