EFSA, the forum of European Securities Associations for information sharing and fostering mutual understanding hosted its first public event in Brussels today in order to contribute to the political debate on the importance of capital markets for private savings and investment as well as for the financing of the real economy and the significant future finanancing needs of the EU. EFSA thanks Christian Noyer, former Head of Banque de France for an excellent keynote as well as Annemie Rombouts, Deputy Chair of the Belgian FSMA, Irene Tinalgi, Member of the European Parliament, Jan Ceyssens, Head of the „Capital Markets Union“ Unit at the European Commission, Stéphane Giordano, Chairman of AMAFI, Grzegorz Zawada, Head of Investment Banking Devision in PKO BP for a very vivid and thought provoking panel discussion and not to forget Stéphanie Hubert of AMAFI and Urban Funered of SSMA for moderating the event.