🔋 Battery Storage: A Quiet Revolution ⚡️ Il Financial Times racconta l’evoluzione silenziosa ma inarrestabile dell’energy storage, e noi di ENERGIFY siamo orgogliosi di essere parte di questa rivoluzione. I sistemi di accumulo a batteria (BESS) stanno trasformando il settore energetico, rendendo la rete più stabile, flessibile e sostenibile. Con la crescita delle rinnovabili, lo storage non è più un’opzione, ma una necessità. 🚀 L’innovazione continua, e il futuro dell’energia è sempre più vicino. Siamo pronti a guidarlo. #BatteryStorage #EnergyTransition #BESS #Innovation #Energify
| LinkedIn Top Voice | 115.000+ | Energy - Economy - Sustainability - Climate | Works at IEA, the global leading energy authority | (Views here are personal)
The Battery Era 🔋 ⚡️ 🔋 A “QUIET revolution”… that is getting very NOISY. It was 2021 when I started writing here that we were moving into a battery era. Because there were signs of what is happening now: There is no energy technology growing faster than batteries… And there is no other energy technology enjoying the cost reductions that batteries have been experiencing over the last few years. My colleague Brent Wanner is completely spot on: the battery revolution has come and it is set to have massive implications. Not in a far-away future. It is already happening 👉 solar panels with batteries beat coal-fired power plants in #India 🇮🇳 , gas-fired power plants in the US 🇺🇸 and will overtake coal-fired plants in #China 🇨🇳 in 2027”. Where the possible “Achilles’s Heel”? Fundamentally three: First in the regulation and market design because as highlighted in the article market designs are not necessarily fit for a system that is evolving from a centralised one with coal, gas nuclear and hydropower to a new system made of wind, solar, batteries and other technologies”. Second in the sustainability of battery production and use of critical minerals, calling for a strong development of a recycling and re-use industry in the sector. Finally, issues of fire-hazards need to be promptly addressed, but it is something that industry has more and more in -sight and adopting. Obstacles for “The Age of Battery” appear not difficult to overcome, unleashing the true possibility that batteries might become a key enabler of renewables-based power systems Latins used to say “Ad maiora”… . #energy #data #future #innovation #technology