🌟 Partnering for a Sustainable Future with Ampace Batteries! 🌟 We are thrilled to introduce our partnership with Ampace, a subsidiary of the globally recognized CATL Group. Together, we bring cutting-edge energy storage solutions to businesses of all sizes — from small commercial projects to large-scale industrial applications. 🔋 Why Ampace? ✅ Unmatched reliability and efficiency ✅ Scalable systems from 100 kWh to 10 MWh ✅ Tailored solutions for unique energy needs Discover how Ampace batteries can transform your energy storage strategy and help you achieve greater efficiency and sustainability. 🌱 👉 Learn more: https://lnkd.in/d7WxD3nd
Solar Electric Power Generation
Solar panel experts for businesses of all sizes—reliable, efficient, and sustainable energy solutions tailored to you.
About us
Energum is a premier enterprise in solar solutions dedicated to transforming the way businesses use energy. We specialize in the installation of high-quality solar panels, offering tailored solutions to meet the needs of small, medium, and large enterprises. Our services extend beyond installation to include comprehensive maintenance for solar parks, advanced solar panel batteries, and electric car charging stations. We are committed to providing efficient, sustainable energy solutions that drive growth and innovation for businesses across all sectors.
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- Solar Electric Power Generation
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- 11-50 employees
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- Public Company
Employees at Energum
🌱Revolutionizing Solar Energy: Why Ground-Mounted Panels are a Game-Changer! 🌱 Are you exploring solar solutions for your home or business? Ground-mounted solar panel systems might be your perfect match. 🔑 Key Benefits: ✅ Extended energy production during mornings and evenings – say goodbye to grid dependency! ✅ No roof required – no costly roof replacements or structural concerns. ✅ Easy to clean and relocate when necessary. ✅ Superior ventilation ensures high efficiency by reducing panel heating. ✅ Future-proof design – expand easily by adding more panels or upgrading technology. ✅ Quick and hassle-free installation. ☀️ Whether you’re planning a residential project or a large-scale commercial installation, these systems provide low maintenance, high scalability, and a smart path toward energy independence.☀️ 🌎⚡Let’s build a cleaner, greener future! 🌎⚡ #RenewableEnergy #SolarPower #Sustainability #GreenTechnology
🌞 Transform Your Energy Game with Energum's Vertical Solar Panels! 🌿 Ever wondered why vertical solar panels are becoming a game-changer in the renewable energy sector? Unlike traditional panels, vertical solar panels capture sunlight more effectively during the morning and evening hours, optimizing energy production when demand is highest. This innovative design can increase energy output by up to 20%, making them a superior choice for maximizing efficiency. 🚀 But that's not all! Vertical panels are less prone to soiling and snow accumulation, ensuring consistent performance year-round. Plus, they take up less ground space, making them ideal for urban environments and areas with limited space. 🏙️ Discover how Energum's vertical solar panels can revolutionize your energy strategy, providing sustainable and cost-effective solutions for your business.🌍 Dive into the details and book a consultation on our website here-https://lnkd.in/dV4vrxbg Follow our page for more insights into cutting-edge energy solutions and stay ahead in the renewable energy revolution! #SolarEnergy #Innovation #Sustainability #VerticalSolarPanels"
⚡ ENERGUM komanda saka paldies ☀️ "Saules Enerģija Latvijai" biedriem un viesiem. "Esam ļoti priecīgi par šo iespēju un uzskatām to par lielisku platformu jauniem sadarbības projektiem," komentē ENERGUM pārstāvis: Matiss R.. ⚡ ENERGUM komanda, mēs esam aktīvi un iesaistāmies atjaunojamās enerģijas sektorā 🌐 - ar bagātu pieredzi saules enerģijas jomā. Īpaši vēlamies izcelt mūsu kolēģu ieguldījumu, kuru pieredze vēja un saules enerģijas sektora attīstībā, kā arī padziļinātās zināšanas par tirgus tendencēm. Kolēģi augstu novērtēja SEL konferences diskusijas💯
🌞 Saules enerģijai būs būt! 🌞 Šonedēl aizvadījām Asociācija Saules Enerģija Latvijai organizēto Saules Enerģijas konferenci. Ir iedvesmojoši redzēt tik daudz atjaunīgās enerģijas nozares profesionāļu, valsts un pašvaldību institūciju pārstāvjus un ekspertu, kas pulcējās kopā, lai apspriestu saules enerģijas nākotnes attīstību Latvijā. Sirsnīgs paldies mūsu diskusiju dalībniekiem, nozares ekspertiem un visiem apmeklētājiem. Saules enerģijai ir un būs būtiska loma drošas un stabilas energosistēmas veidošanā!
🚨 Big Changes Ahead in the Baltic Energy Sector 🚨 The Baltic states are on the brink of a historic shift! By February 2025, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania plan to fully disconnect from the BRELL electricity grid, cutting ties with Russia and Belarus and synchronizing with the European network. This transition promises increased energy independence and regional security, but what does it mean for electricity prices, businesses, and consumers? 🤔 💡 Key Highlights: Latvia is ramping up energy infrastructure with a new synchronous compensator. Local energy generation is set to increase to meet regional demands. Experts suggest reviewing electricity tariffs now to avoid risks during this major transition. 🔗 Curious about the details and what it means for you? Read the full article here: https://lnkd.in/dgJAC6qf Don't miss out on understanding how these changes could impact energy markets and your bottom line! Let's prepare together for a more secure and independent energy future. 🌍⚡ #EnergyIndependence #BalticEnergy #EnergyTransition #Sustainability #EnergySecurity #RenewableEnergy #GreenEnergy #ElectricityMarket #InfrastructureDevelopment #ClimateAction #EnergyEfficiency #BusinessStrategy #EuropeanEnergy #EnergyInnovation
🌞 Revolutionizing Solar Technology with Vertical Panels! 🌱 Did you know that vertically installed bifacial solar panels not only maximize energy production during morning and evening hours but also make efficient use of land? 🚜 In winter, they stand out with natural snow shedding and extra energy generation from snow reflection. In Latvia, Energum is leading the way, building Eastern Europe’s largest 4 MW vertical solar park! 🔋⚡ 🔗 Learn more about these innovative solutions on our website: https://lnkd.in/dV4vrxbg #Energum #RenewableEnergy #SolarPanels #Innovation #GreenEnergy
Latvia on the Path to Leadership: Energum vertical solar panel revolution. Energum proudly presents a revolution in solar energy – vertical solar panels! This new solution not only ensures more efficient energy production but is especially beneficial during morning and evening hours when electricity demand and prices are highest. 🔹 Optimal energy production in the morning and evening: Vertical panels, installed in an east-west direction, capture the sun precisely when you need it most for daily activities and evening relaxation. 🔹 Perfect for winter: Snow does not accumulate on vertical panels, and snow reflection further boosts efficiency, ensuring consistent energy production during the winter months. 🔹 Durable and sustainable: Vertical panels withstand hail and storms better than traditional panels, extending the system's lifespan and protecting your investment. 🔹 More space for agriculture: These panels take up only 2-3% of agricultural land, making them ideal for combining energy production with agrisystems, which is crucial for our farmers and a sustainable future. Energum is currently working on a 4 MW vertical solar park – the largest project of its kind in Eastern Europe! This project will be enhanced with a 1200 kWh battery, providing energy even at night and helping balance demand around the clock. 🌍 Become part of the green energy movement with Energum! A reliable solution for your energy needs – today and in the future. 👉 Learn more about vertical solar parks on our website - https://lnkd.in/dV4vrxbg
"Latvija ceļā uz līderību: Energum vertikālo saules paneļu revolūcija" Energum ar lepnumu piedāvā revolūciju saules enerģijā – vertikālos saules paneļus! Šis jaunais risinājums ne tikai nodrošina efektīvāku enerģijas ražošanu, bet arī ir īpaši izdevīgs rīta un vakara stundās, kad elektrības pieprasījums un cenas ir visaugstākās. 🔹 Optimāla enerģijas ražošana rītos un vakaros: Vertikālie paneļi, uzstādīti austrumu-rietumu virzienā, uztver sauli tad, kad tā ir visvairāk nepieciešama jūsu ikdienas gaitām un vakara atpūtai. 🔹 Perfekts risinājums arī ziemā: Sniegs neuzkrājas uz vertikālajiem paneļiem, turklāt sniega atstarojums palīdz vēl vairāk palielināt efektivitāti, tādējādi nodrošinot stabilu enerģijas ražošanu arī ziemas mēnešos. 🔹 Izturīgi un ilgtspējīgi: Vertikālie paneļi iztur krusu un vētras labāk nekā tradicionālie paneļi, pagarinot sistēmas kalpošanas laiku un aizsargājot jūsu investīciju. 🔹 Vairāk vietas lauksaimniecībai: Šie paneļi aizņem tikai 2-3% no lauksaimniecības platības, tāpēc tie lieliski apvieno enerģijas ražošanu ar agrosistēmām, kas ir svarīgi mūsu lauksaimniekiem un ilgtspējīgai nākotnei. Energum šobrīd aktīvi strādā pie 4 MW vertikālā saules parka – lielākā šāda veida projekta Austrumeiropā! Šis projekts tiks papildināts ar 1200 kWh akumulatoru, nodrošinot enerģiju arī naktī un palīdzot sabalansēt pieprasījumu visas diennakts garumā. 🌍 Kļūsti par zaļās enerģijas kustības daļu kopā ar Energum! Uzticams risinājums jūsu enerģijas vajadzībām – gan šodien, gan nākotnē. 👉 Vairāk informācijas par vertikālajiem saules parkiem skaties mūsu mājaslapā - https://lnkd.in/dGytbewT
🌞 ALTUM atbalsts saules paneļu uzstādīšanai uzņēmumiem – iespēja samazināt enerģijas izmaksas un padarīt savu uzņēmumu videi draudzīgāku! 🌱 Vai zināji, ka ALTUM piedāvā līdzfinansējumu saules paneļu uzstādīšanai? Tagad ir īstais brīdis izmantot šo iespēju un ieguldīt zaļā nākotnē. 🚀 🔹 Kādas ir galvenās priekšrocības? 🔹 Kas var pieteikties un kāds ir atbalsta apjoms? Uzzini vairāk par ALTUM atbalsta iespējām un soli pa solim uzzināsi, kā šis risinājums var palīdzēt Tavam biznesam. Klikšķini uz saites un izpēti visas detaļas! 👇 https://lnkd.in/dMMaHsRt
ENERGUM nepārtraukti seko jaunākajām tendencēm saules enerģijas nozarē, un Vācija ir lielisks piemērs tam, cik izdevīga kļūst atjaunojamā enerģija. ☀️ Pētījums no Fraunhofera ISE atklāj, ka saules enerģijas izmaksas Vācijā šobrīd ir no €0.041/kWh līdz €0.144/kWh, padarot to par visekonomiskāko enerģijas avotu. Tas sniedz milzīgas priekšrocības gan uzņēmumiem, gan mājsaimniecībām, kas vēlas gan samazināt rēķinus, gan investēt ilgtspējīgā nākotnē. 🌱 Prognozes liecina, ka līdz 2045. gadam cenas vēl vairāk samazināsies, sasniedzot pat €0.031/kWh, it īpaši lielajos saules parkos. Saules uzglabāšanas sistēmas, kuru izmaksas šobrīd svārstās no €0.06/kWh līdz €0.225/kWh, nodrošina pieejamību arī naktīs vai mākoņainās dienās, ievērojami uzlabojot efektivitāti. 🌍 Šī tehnoloģiju attīstība pavērs vēl plašākas iespējas uzņēmumiem un privātpersonām izmantot saules enerģiju ilgtermiņā. Sekojiet līdzi ENERGUM, lai uzzinātu jaunākās tendences saules enerģijas nozarē! 💡 ENERGUM continuously follows the latest trends in the solar energy sector, and Germany is a prime example of how renewable energy is becoming increasingly cost-effective. A study from Fraunhofer ISE reveals that the cost of solar energy in Germany currently ranges from €0.041/kWh to €0.144/kWh, making it the most economical energy source. This provides significant benefits for both businesses and households looking to reduce their bills and invest in a sustainable future. Projections suggest that by 2045, prices will drop even further, reaching as low as €0.031/kWh, particularly in large solar parks. Solar storage systems, with current costs ranging from €0.06/kWh to €0.225/kWh, ensure availability even at night or on cloudy days, significantly improving efficiency. These technological advancements will open even more opportunities for businesses and individuals to harness solar energy in the long term. Follow ENERGUM to stay updated on the latest trends in the solar energy sector.