From grubby alley to green oasis: How one grandma inspired a community to reclaim their space and foster togetherness, #urbanplanning, #cities, #livablecommunities, #urbandesign, #communityengagement
🌿This fantastic makeover is an inspiring story of how a community came together to transform a run-down back alley into a green oasis that brings them all together. The transformation is thanks to a grandma, who grew so tired of seeing litter and vermin in the alley behind her home that she rallied her neighbours to help her do something about it. Mavis Arnold, 75, has lived in her Victorian terraced house in Middlesborough for more than 50 years. She remembers the shared alley behind her home being well-kept in the 1960s but over time, residents began to dump their rubbish in the alley, regardless of whether it was collection day or not. The alley became a "grubby" and "dirty" place that was unsafe for children and a magnet for antisocial behaviour and crime. After the neighbourhood trust erected gates at both ends of the alley as part of a pilot scheme to reduce burglary, Mrs. Arnold came up with an idea. She believed that the alley didn’t have to be a place where people dumped their rubbish and started thinking about how lovely it could be. She approached the trust and received a grant for £6,800, which she used to begin the transformation of the alley into an urban green oasis. She created a haven of flowers, plants, and trees and enlisted other residents to help with the dramatic makeover. Tomatoes, apples, pears, and potatoes are just some of the fruits and vegetables grown in the alley. Residents have also put outdoor furniture in the alley so they can sit and chat with their neighbours while children play, like they did in the 1960s. They have come to really care about the alley, and it's unthinkable for anybody to dump their rubbish here now. This is an inspiring example of how a community has come together to transform an anti-social space into a beautiful place that brings them all together. And how people collectively looking after and caring about their environment can make such a huge and positive difference to their quality of life. * Please note that for comparisons sake, the before picture is of a neighbouring alley which is very similar to how the alley looked before its transformation. Link to press story with more details in the comments.👇