Today, our coordinator Grigoris Papagiannis from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) presented EnTRAINER and our work in supporting #industrialdecarbonization at the Task Force on Industrial Energy Efficiency of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency. Stay tuned for more events and updates from our #EnTRAINER_Project Partners: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) University of Western Macedonia Technical University of Cluj Napoca Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) SERVELECT ESCO UniverCities Agenzia per l'Energia Alto Adige - CasaClima #BEON ASES| Advanced Solutions for Energy Sustainability #EnergyTransitionisNow #EnergyTransitionAudits #LIFEProgram #LIFEProject
Architecture and Planning
EnTRAINER introduces a paradigm shift from conventional energy audits to a new methodology of Energy Transition Audits.
About us
EnTRAINER aims to introduce a paradigm shift from conventional energy audits to a new, holistic and complete methodology of “Energy Transition Audits” (ETA). The EnTRAINER project funded by the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) programme under the Grant Agreement No 101076424
- Website
External link for EnTRAINER_Project
- Industry
- Architecture and Planning
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 2022
Employees at EnTRAINER_Project
We are looking forward to the Fiera Klimahouse on the 29th of January by Agenzia per l'Energia Alto Adige - CasaClima Registration are open here 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 #EnergyTransitionisNow #EnergyTransitionAudits #LIFEProgram #LIFEProject Petra Recchia Mirko Zancarli Tommaso Rossotti Agnese Riccetti Grigoris Papagiannis Ioanna Pasiopoulou Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) Elisa Peñalvo-López Irene Martínez Romero ASES| Advanced Solutions for Energy Sustainability Timea Farkas Madalina Comes Bogdan Bârgăuan Florentina Serdenciuc SERVELECT ESCO Stavros Filippidis Georgios Christoforidis Aggelos Bouhouras University of Western Macedonia Andrei CECLAN Denisa Stet Stefan Dragoș CÎRSTEA Czumbil Levente Dan Doru MICU Technical University of Cluj Napoca Dr. Daniela Melandri UniverCities CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
Il 29 gennaio presenteremo durante la fiera Klimahouse al nostro stand i primi resultati del progetto EnTRAINER 🤩 👉 Venite a trovarci! ✍ La partecipazione all'evento è gratuita previa registrazione 💡 Il progetto Energy Transition Audits towards Decarbonization (EnTRAINER) ha come obiettivo quello di modificare la modalità di conduzione degli audit energetici convenzionali, concentrandosi sia sull’efficienza energetica che sull’impronta carbonica delle imprese analizzate. L’output consiste nella definizione e nella successiva implementazione di un piano di risparmio energetico e di decarbonizzazione a breve, medio e lungo termine, che sia anche sostenibile dal punto di vista costi-benefici. EnTRAINER_Project #EnTRAINER #decarbonizzazione #auditenergetici #efficienzaenergetica
Happy Winter break and best wishes for a New Year towards decarbonization by EnTRAINER_Project! #EnergyTransitionisNow #EnergyTransitionAudits #LIFEProgram #LIFEProject Grigoris Papagiannis Ioanna Pasiopoulou Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) Elisa Peñalvo-López Irene Martínez Romero ASES| Advanced Solutions for Energy Sustainability Timea Farkas Madalina Comes Bogdan Bârgăuan Florentina Serdenciuc SERVELECT ESCO Mirko Zancarli Petra Recchia Agenzia per l'Energia Alto Adige - CasaClima Stavros Filippidis Georgios Christoforidis Aggelos Bouhouras University of Western Macedonia Andrei CECLAN Denisa Stet Stefan Dragoș CÎRSTEA Czumbil Levente Dan Doru MICU Technical University of Cluj Napoca Dr. Daniela Melandri Tommaso Rossotti Agnese Riccetti UniverCities CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
In this still challenging time, the EnTRAINER_Project consortium would like to send a message of solidarity and hope to Valencia, to remember the victims of the recent tragedy and reiterate our full support to the community and in particular to our EnTRAINER partners, the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and BEON. Grigoris Papagiannis Ioanna Pasiopoulou Elisa Peñalvo-López Irene Martínez Romero ASES| Advanced Solutions for Energy Sustainability Timea Farkas Madalina Comes Bogdan Bârgăuan Florentina Serdenciuc Mirko Zancarli Petra Recchia Stavros Filippidis Georgios Christoforidis Andrei CECLAN Denisa Stet Stefan Dragoș CÎRSTEA Czumbil Levente Dan Doru MICU Dr. Daniela Melandri Tommaso Rossotti Agnese Riccetti CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
The EnTRAINER training course has opened the registration in Romania. Don't miss this opportunity! Dan Doru MICU Denisa Stet Stefan Dragoș CÎRSTEA Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Suntem încântați să anunțăm deschiderea preînscrierilor pentru a doua ediție a programului educațional destinat auditorilor și managerilor energetici, organizat de către Technical University of Cluj Napoca, prin Energy Transition Research Center (EnTReC) 🌱 Programul postuniversitar „Audituri pentru tranziție energetică”- Ediția II, parte a proiectului EnTRAINER, oferă asimilarea celor mai recente tehnici și metode de audit energetic, alături de dobândirea unei înțelegeri profunde a politicilor și reglementărilor asociate tranziției energetice. Detalii complete despre program sunt disponibile la: 📝 Formularul de preînscriere poate fi accesat online: Având în vedere faptul că locurile disponibile sunt limitate, în urma colectării datelor va avea loc un proces de selecție. 🎓 Participanții care finalizează programul vor primi un Certificat de Absolvire emis de către Ministerul Educației și Cercetării, devenind parte a comunității internaționale de specialiști #EnTRAINER. Vă așteptăm cu entuziasm! #energytransition #sustainability #educationalprogram #energyprofessionals #EnTRAINERproject
📣 The 2nd edition of the EnTRAINER training course is about to start in Romania. Registrations are still open! Our best wishes for a successful training to our partners Technical University of Cluj Napoca and SERVELECT ESCO! Dan Doru MICU Denisa Stet Stefan Dragoș CÎRSTEA Andrei CECLAN Czumbil Levente Roxana-Valentina Briscan Alexandru Muresan Madalina Comes Timea Farkas Bogdan Bârgăuan Florentina Serdenciuc Mihaela Ileni
🚀 Am dat startul preînscrierii la a doua ediție a programelor educaționale destinate profesioniștilor din domeniul energiei, oferite de Technical University of Cluj Napoca prin Energy Transition Research Center (EnTReC). 🌍 Programul postuniversitar „SOLUȚII ȘI ACȚIUNI PENTRU DECARBONIZAREA COMPANIILOR” Ediția II, parte a EnTRAINER_Project, se concentrează pe modalități concrete prin care organizațiile pot implementa strategii de reducere a emisiilor de carbon, contribuind astfel la eforturile globale de combatere a schimbărilor climatice. Detaliile despre program sunt disponibile la: 📚 Printr-o abordare transdisciplinară, vom explora atât concepte teoretice fundamentale, cât și soluții inovatoare pentru o decarbonizare eficientă. 🔗 FORMULARUL DE PREÎNSCRIERE este disponibil online până în 20 octombrie și poate fi accesat utilizând: Locurile sunt limitate, iar selecția participanților va fi realizată pe baza datelor din formular. 🎓 Absolvenții vor primi un Certificat de Absolvire emis de Ministerul Educației și Cercetării și vor deveni membri ai comunității internaționale de specialiști creată prin #EnTRAINER. Vă așteptăm cu drag! #energytransition #sustainability #educationalprogram #energyprofessionals #EnTRAINERproject
Thanks again to SERVELECT ESCO to hosting the 5th general meeting of the EnTRAINER_Project and for sharing this delightful memory! CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
This week, we had the pleasure of hosting the 5th general meeting of the EnTRAINER_Project in Cluj-Napoca. 🤩 It was a great opportunity to reconnect with the Consortium partners to discuss our progress and plan the project's future activities.
📣 Yesterday was the last day of the 5th EnTRAINER Project Meeting. We met in the vibrant city of Cluj Napoca (📍Romania) for a two-day working sessions that showed successful results. A big thank to SERVELECT ESCO for the organisation and to all partners for the contributions. Here few pics of key moments. There is more than one year to go for EnTRAINER_Project and many opportunities for professionals, companies and industrial stakeholders. Keep following us! Grigoris Papagiannis Ioanna Pasiopoulou Elisa Peñalvo-López Irene Martínez Romero Timea Farkas Madalina Comes Bogdan Bârgăuan Florentina Serdenciuc Mirko Zancarli Petra Recchia Stavros Filippidis Georgios Christoforidis Andrei CECLAN Denisa Stet Stefan Dragoș CÎRSTEA Czumbil Levente Dan Doru MICU Dr. Daniela Melandri Tommaso Rossotti Agnese Riccetti CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
📣The EnTRAINER workshops are starting in four EU countries: Greece, Italy, Romania and Spain! The next EnTRAINER workshop in Italy will be online 💻on the 📆 25th of September 3:30pm CEST. Open registration and agenda at the following link 👇👇👇👇👇👇 Stay tuned to discover the next workshop in your country! #EnergyTransitionisNow #EnergyTransitionAudits #LIFEProgram #LIFEProject Grigoris Papagiannis Ioanna PasiopoulouAchilleas Sfetkos Elisa Peñalvo-López Irene Martínez Romero Madalina Comes Timea Farkas Bogdan Bârgăuan Florentina Serdenciuc Mirko Zancarli Petra Recchia Agenzia per l'Energia Alto Adige - CasaClima Stavros Filippidis Georgios Christoforidis Aggelos Bouhouras Andrei CECLAN Denisa Stet Stefan Dragoș CÎRSTEA Czumbil Levente Dan Doru MICU Claudia Maria MUREȘAN Dr. Daniela Melandri Tommaso Rossotti Agnese Riccetti UniverCities
📣 UniverCities presents the second EnTRAINER workshop in Italy - discover the energy efficiency for your company. EnTRAINER_Project is a project funded by the EU LIFE Programme This Italian workshop, organised in cooperation with Agenzia per l'Energia Alto Adige - CasaClima, will be held online on 25 September 2024 from 15:30 to 17:30. The workshop will inform on the main activities of the project and how to benefit from: 👉the preliminary energy scans and detailed energy audits for industries- ETAs; 👉the accredited training courses for aspiring energy professionals and experienced energy auditors. To participate, register here: [] 📧For more info [] #EnTRAINER #EnergyTransitionisNow #energytransitionaudits #sustainablenergy #LIFEProgramme #LIFEProject European Commission CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency ------- ITA - 📣UniverCities presenta il secondo workshop di EnTRAINER Italia - scopri l'efficienza energetica per la tua azienda. EnTRAINER_Project è finanziato dal Programma Europeo LIFE Programme. L'evento, organizzato in collaborazione con @l’Agenzia per l'Ambiente CasaClima, si terrà online il 25 settembre 2024 dalle 15:30 alle 17:30. Il workshop offre l'opportunità di conoscere le principali attività del progetto e di scoprire come beneficiare di: 👉 scan energetici preliminari e gli audit energetici dettagliati per le industrie; 👉 corsi di formazione accreditati per aspiranti professioniste/i del settore dell’energia e per auditor energetici esperti. Le registrazioni sono aperte al seguente link: [] 📧Per maggiori informazioni: [] #EnTRAINER #EnergyTransitionisNow #energytransitionaudits #sustainablenergy #LIFEProgramme #LIFEProject European Commission CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
The 4 EnTRAINER_Project tools for Energy Transition Audits, and its user guide are now available here: ✅ CUSUM Tool ✅ Heat Loss Calculator ✅ Energy Audit Estimator ✅ On Site Auditor ✅ EnTRAINER Tools Guide FREE registration is needed to access the tools. #EnergyTransitionisNow! #EnergyTransitionAudits #EUGreenTransition #LIFEprogramme #LIFEproject