As we head into colder months, heat loss from your home can be a big concern—especially through the garage door. That’s why understanding U-Factor is so important. Unlike R-Value, which only measures the insulating ability of the door’s center, U-Factor measures heat transfer across the entire door. A lower U-Factor means better thermal performance, keeping warmth where it belongs! At Garage Pros KC, we’re proud to partner with Haas Door to provide high-quality doors that make a difference in energy efficiency. #GarageProsKC #HaasDoor #ThermalEfficiency #UFactor
Want to know more about heat loss from your home? The garage door is a big area for most homes, and heat loss can be a problem. U-factor measures heat loss. The lower the tested U-Factor, the better the thermal performance. This is because there is less heat transfer from the garage door's warmer side to the garage door's cooler side. While R-Value only measures the center section of the door and its insulating ability, U-Factor measures heat transfer through the entire door, resulting in a more relevant thermal performance. To read more about the benefits of U-Factor, follow the link to our blog on Understanding U-Factor! The garage door makes a difference! Contact a Haas Door dealer to learn more about U-factor and how a garage door can improve the performance of your home moving into the colder months! Model: 2070 Color: Sandstone #U-Factor #R-Value #HaasDoor #DASMA #HaasDoorGarageDoors #Haas #garagedoor #thermalefficiency #thermalperformance #heattransfer