For epoxy coatings to properly bond and stay durable, the concrete needs the right texture—what is called a Concrete Surface Profile (CSP) of at least 3. Methods like low-pressure water jetting or acid etching usually fall short, creating a CSP below 2. This can lead to weak bonding and peeling, especially in high-traffic areas. On the other hand, techniques like sandblasting or rotomilling can overdo it, producing a CSP over 4, which isn’t ideal for residential spaces and might even damage the concrete. The sweet spot for epoxy coatings is achieved with concrete diamond grinding, and that’s exactly what Garage Floor Coating delivers for a long-lasting, high-quality finish! #garagefloorcoating #garage #flooring #epoxy #homeimprovements #hgtv #epoxygarageflooring #garagefloorepoxy #concretecoating