Geng & Associates, P.C. is a boutique law firm providing US legal support for small/family businesses, startups, and individuals located throughout the world. Our primary areas of practice are immigration, civil litigation and trademarks; we also partner with outstanding law firms, such as The Law Offices of Fuqiang Zhang, P.C., to further offer support in business/corporate law, real property law, and estate planning. We are an effective, tight-knit team, and hiring one of our attorneys truly means hiring the entire firm and all its resources.
We believe that the first step towards being professional is being empathetic., something that allows us windows into clients' lives we wouldn’t otherwise know a thing about and forces us to become active participants in the needs that unfold there. In order to best provide meaningful and effective legal services, we need to first understand and listen to our clients and understand their motivation. This way, we can truly understand what is in our clients’ best interest and how to best serve them. Without real empathy and understanding, we would not be able to click to core of the issue at hand and accomplish the resolution our clients actually need. With empathy,
We always recommend consulting a few law firms/attorneys before selecting one. More than providing legal advice, we are here to help clients save valuable time so they can leave their worries behind and enjoy life to the fullest. Our practice is about achieving our clients’ goals and we are well-known for our ability to identify and resolve bottlenecks even regarding the toughest issues. Our goal is to solve your problems cost-effectively even if that means providing a solution that doesn’t involve a legal process or litigation. To better foster a long-term relationship with our clients, we are not just looking for a legally acceptable solution, but one that benefits all of us in the long run.