Geomark Consulting

Geomark Consulting

Market Research

Collingswood, New Jersey 121 followers

See the Road Ahead With a Great Map

About us

I have a deep understanding of the spatial analysis tools and techniques of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). I have advanced skills with several ESRI tools (ArcGIS Pro 3.4, ArcGIS Online, Insights for ArcGIS, the 3D, LocateXT, Image Analyst and Spatial Analyst extensions, Survey123, Collector and ArcGIS Dashboards). I can assist clients achieve a better strategic spatial understanding of their security and operational environment. This especially important for healthcare marketing research and policy analysis, executive protection, event security, threat assessment, international location intelligence, and natural and man-made disaster planning. As a licensee of ESRI's software, I have access to near real-time data from Armed Conflict Location & Event (ACLED) data as well as world-wide hurricane, earthquake, wildfire, and flood data. I can also partner with security industry firms that may want to add geospatial intelligence services to their portfolio of service lines. Geomark Consulting is a member of ASIS International as well as the United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF). Jim is a member of the USGIF Tradecraft Working Group. Geomark Consulting can also contribute to issue advocacy and strategy development for public affairs firms through the production of policy maps for multiple industries (healthcare, critical infrastructure, public safety, and land use). Location intelligence is an important consideration in healthcare, domestic and international security, retail, emergency planning and mitigation, homeland security, and pandemic preparedness. Geomark Consulting, LLC is a member of the Private Sector Network of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management Geomark Consulting, LLC is a NJ Certified Category 1 Approved Small Business Enterprise (SBE). If you would like to find out more, contact me at any time: 1-609-706-2880

Market Research
Company size
1 employee
Collingswood, New Jersey
Privately Held
ArcGIS Online, Spatial Analyst, Survey123, MS Excel, MS Access, ArcGIS Business Analyst, Dashboards for ArcGIS, Insights for ArcGIS, Unstructured Data, ArcGIS LocateXT, ArcGIS Pro 3.3, GEOINT, Image Analyst, and Policy Maps


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