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Food and Beverage Retail

Shopping events taking fabulous products to where you are

About us

At Gifts with presence our aim is to bring you fabulous products. Every item we select has been carefully curated, targeting smaller suppliers with known provenance and reasons why they stand above comparable products; something that makes them of the moment. We want our customers to be excited about trying out the latest items that delight and contribute to a positive presence in their lives with ranges of luxury Gift foods. All our shopping events offer an attractive presentation, one on one time with our presenters and the opportunity to taste the products making for really enjoyable shopping.

Food and Beverage Retail
Company size
2-10 employees
Privately Held
Shopping events, Office pop ups, and Food tastings

Employees at giftswithpresence


  • Is it ever too late to say Happy New Year? Well probably, but as we took a well deserved break in January this is our first foray out into the world again so Happy New Year or Gong Xi Fa Cai as we are now at Chinese New Year! 2024 was great, Christmas was astonishing and we learned so many valuable lessons that make 2025 look really exciting. We have mentioned on numerous occasions how much our customers enjoy tasting cheese but we were astounded by how much more we sold in the lead up to Christmas. Our customers purchased their usual favourites but built their Christmas cheeseboard with the Snowdonia truckles we range firmly at the heart of their plans. Over the years we have bought and sold such a wide variety of products and we are struggling to find anything that offers such a brilliant opportunity to create a stir as these little waxed truckles of deliciousness. It's more popular than chocolate. Yes, really! The fact that we offer tastings at every event ensures there is a performance element to our visits. Truly fabulous product being presented by superb sales professionals talking through the products with genuine enthusiasm is just a winning formula. The thing is, cheese seems to offer appeal to the widest demographic groups, regardless of age, gender, identity, everyone loves trying cheese all year round and they buy not just for themselves but also often as a gift and at Christmas to a whole other level. Our range has been refined with a core selection of proven winners and we can't wait to get them back out at shopping events in premium venues. Let the fun begin! @snowdoniacheese @giftswithpresence #chareturner

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  • Something for all employers to think about!

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    Come along in! It’s interesting to observe the changes to the workplace post Pandemic as many businesses have some or even a majority of their work force working at home. There is a distinct shift though with team members being actively encouraged to return to being more office based. We set up shopping events in many Head office and corporate locations and can clearly see that there is a real drive to make the workspace more inviting and dynamic than had perhaps been the case in the past. Landlords of the offices in business districts we visit are organising more activities to engage with the personnel which in turn attracts tenants to their buildings. Shopping events, craft activities, community engagement among many others are weekly occurrences and we can attest to the fact how popular all these activities are. Gifts with Presence is well placed to make the most of these incentives to make working in the office more popular and will keep taking the products out to ‘fill the shelves with what the people want to buy’. Welcome back to the office!

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  • Come along in! It’s interesting to observe the changes to the workplace post Pandemic as many businesses have some or even a majority of their work force working at home. There is a distinct shift though with team members being actively encouraged to return to being more office based. We set up shopping events in many Head office and corporate locations and can clearly see that there is a real drive to make the workspace more inviting and dynamic than had perhaps been the case in the past. Landlords of the offices in business districts we visit are organising more activities to engage with the personnel which in turn attracts tenants to their buildings. Shopping events, craft activities, community engagement among many others are weekly occurrences and we can attest to the fact how popular all these activities are. Gifts with Presence is well placed to make the most of these incentives to make working in the office more popular and will keep taking the products out to ‘fill the shelves with what the people want to buy’. Welcome back to the office!

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  • Building that community is a slow process but worth the endeavour. If you aren't following us, please do 😉

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    Because we set up shopping events in myriad locations, social media has become a great way to keep in touch with the venues to remind them we are visiting and update them on new ranges. In static positions it is possible to use POS and signage to communicate but as we are nifty and mobile, Socials are the best way to make our Presence felt. Did you see what I did there? Facebook Instagram

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  • Because we set up shopping events in myriad locations, social media has become a great way to keep in touch with the venues to remind them we are visiting and update them on new ranges. In static positions it is possible to use POS and signage to communicate but as we are nifty and mobile, Socials are the best way to make our Presence felt. Did you see what I did there? Facebook Instagram

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  • giftswithpresence reposted this

    Where are your taste buds? An odd question for a Tuesday morning perhaps but I have been analysing sales from last week and made an observation. I have regularly mentioned how much our customers love tasting cheese and we sell a tremendous amount of it because they do. There are a number of varieties with universal appeal and others splitting the crowd. Truffle Trove for example is adored by some and loathed by others. I guess they either love Truffle or not, meaning you would think people are less likely to try, having an idea what the flavour will be. Not so, our customers often try it anyway and discover they still don't like it! Our best selling range last week was Pendragon Hot Chocolate flakes which received a fantastic reception culminating in selling out in an hour on our first day. Noteworthy however is that we didn't offer samples of any of the flavours! So why do people prefer to buy cheese having sampled it and why the names of the flavours alone on hot chocolate sell the product? My conclusion is that while they need to try a particular flavour of a cheese even when there are ingredients they are familiar with, when a line is called Rum and Salted caramel for example the, taste buds are set in motion immediately with an expectation of what the flavour is going to be. The general response on reading the packs being lots of oohs and aahs creating that emotional reaction that drives a purchase. I take from this that sometimes humans eat with their mouths and at other times with their eyes. I shall monitor this going forward and keep you posted! Now, where's that cheese? Snowdonia Cheese Company #giftstoday #giftswithpresence #shoppingevents #pendragondrinks

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  • Where are your taste buds? An odd question for a Tuesday morning perhaps but I have been analysing sales from last week and made an observation. I have regularly mentioned how much our customers love tasting cheese and we sell a tremendous amount of it because they do. There are a number of varieties with universal appeal and others splitting the crowd. Truffle Trove for example is adored by some and loathed by others. I guess they either love Truffle or not, meaning you would think people are less likely to try, having an idea what the flavour will be. Not so, our customers often try it anyway and discover they still don't like it! Our best selling range last week was Pendragon Hot Chocolate flakes which received a fantastic reception culminating in selling out in an hour on our first day. Noteworthy however is that we didn't offer samples of any of the flavours! So why do people prefer to buy cheese having sampled it and why the names of the flavours alone on hot chocolate sell the product? My conclusion is that while they need to try a particular flavour of a cheese even when there are ingredients they are familiar with, when a line is called Rum and Salted caramel for example the, taste buds are set in motion immediately with an expectation of what the flavour is going to be. The general response on reading the packs being lots of oohs and aahs creating that emotional reaction that drives a purchase. I take from this that sometimes humans eat with their mouths and at other times with their eyes. I shall monitor this going forward and keep you posted! Now, where's that cheese? Snowdonia Cheese Company #giftstoday #giftswithpresence #shoppingevents #pendragondrinks

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