Reflecting on the incredible experience at the Grupa & Beta University: YC Challenge Hackathon. ⭐️ Over the weekend, we hosted a 2-day event dedicated to addressing unique challenges in AI, Healthcare, and Enterprise. 🚀 Four innovative teams put their skills to a great test and here’s how it went down at the #GrupaBetaHackathon: 👉 Team 1/ AI for Healthcare Product Description: An AI voice call system for elderly care to follow up on medication and schedule checkups. 👉 Team 2/ WebClarity Product Description: A small language model designed to track website traffic and provide insightful analytics. 👉 Team 3/ AI for eCommerce & Enterprise Product Description: An AI solution enabling customers to make purchases through a chat interface. 👉 Team 4/ AI for API Documentation Product Description: An AI-powered tool to automate the creation and maintenance of API documentation, ensuring accuracy and saving time. Congrats to all the teams and the winners who stood out. A big thank you to everyone involved in making this hackathon a success! 🎉 #hakathon #innovation #AI #healthcare #Enterprise Y Combinator