Are you missing the 1%? #progress #personalgrowth #collaboration #haloeffectcoaching
I’ve been working with a client on an ongoing issue with a coworker. They had been at odds for months when he joined my program. Arguing, gossiping about each other to other coworkers, and completely unable to work together. In our sessions, we were working on not getting triggered by this coworker. And how to communicate in a way that would bring the coworker to the table. In a way they’d feel heard and be ready to find common ground. And while there had been many weeks when there was progress, there had also been weeks that felt like setbacks. In those set-back weeks, my client felt like all the work he’d put in was for nothing. He’d join the session feeling defeated. And in those weeks, we’d coach on the impatience for the problem to resolve. The desire to have a quick win and not achieve it. Because here’s the thing – when you burn a bridge with another person, and then try to repair the bridge after, it doesn’t always happen overnight. You might be ready, but they might be skeptical. Why? Because they don’t know or trust this new version of you. The open one. The curious one. The one who wants to work together. They only know the old version of you. The angry one. The defensive one. The one they don’t like. It takes time to rebuild trust. To fully develop a new belief that there isn’t an ulterior motive to your kindness and willingness to listen. And if we give up on building a new bridge when we have setbacks, the progress we that we actually have made crumbles under the weight of the baggage. So I offer you – On days you feel defeated, look at the 1% changes that you’re making towards your goal. They’re there if you look close. Don’t miss them. They’re what will keep you going. #teamwork #collaboration #leadership #haloeffectcoaching