After the holidays🆓️ Everyone knows it, you've had a wonderful holiday. Completely relaxed and then you have to get back to work. That first day, that first week, you always have to get into it. How do you ensure a good start after your leave? And how do you also maintain a bit of that holiday feeling the first few days, so that you can hit the ground running with good energy? When you go back to work after your holiday, you will have to get back into the rhythm after the last day of your holiday. You let the intrinsic motivation do its work again and you will start new projects. With these practical tips you will get an energy boost in your first week after your vacation! Tip 1: Determine the rules for after the leave in advance To start with the basics; determine which rules apply in advance when someone returns from leave. Set priorities for employees and ensure that they receive a good handover from the employees who have temporarily taken over their tasks. To ensure that an employee starts the first day of work with fresh energy, it is highly recommended to update the employee after a holiday and discuss the most important matters directly. In some cases, the employee takes two days to get into a different rhythm of daily life, to read all e-mails and to delve into the most important matters. The employee goes back to work after a holiday, has enough time to get into the rhythm and you, as an employer, ensure that the colleague retains that holiday feeling for longer. It is recommended to record such rules in a leave regulation , so that colleagues who return to work after a holiday know immediately what is expected of them! Tip 2: To make a relaxed start, it is important that everything continues smoothly during your holiday. This way, you will not have a backlog of work when you return. Therefore, make sure you have a good handover document and agree on who will replace you during your holiday. A handover includes things like current projects, contacts, deadlines/appointments, and outstanding actions. When you return to work after your holiday, all your work has been picked up in the meantime and you can start again relaxed! Tip 3: Think about post-vacation tasks before your vacation. Most people are very busy before their leave, handing over the work that takes place during their vacation. But also consider which tasks need to be done after your vacation. After a vacation of two or three weeks, you no longer know exactly what happened before your vacation. Therefore, make a practical to-do list for your vacation with things that you need to do; from checking the status of projects to preparing appointments that follow in your first week. In this way, you can neatly complete all tasks before your vacation and ensure that you are well prepared when you get back to work. Have an awesome week! Een productieve week toegewenst! Bon siman!
HR-Management Transition & Coaching Curaçao
Human Resources Services
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Het doorvoeren van verandering binnen een organisatie is een kwetsbare aangelegenheid. Hoe directie en lijnmanagers te ondersteunen bij hun ambities zonder dat dit ten koste gaat van de bedrijfsvoering of personeel. Het bedrijfsleven maakt niet de makkelijkste tijd mee. Hoe on top te blijven van de veranderende economie, besluiten van bovenaf te volgen en er toch staan voor uw personeel? HR Management, Transition & Coaching biedt u een sparringspartner aan waarbij advies en transitie centraal staan. Uiteindelijk willen wij met z'n allen een gezonde werkomgeving voor ons personeel waarbij prestatie en werkgeluk te meten zijn.
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July 1st is Keti Koti, the day we commemorate the abolition of the Dutch transatlantic slave trade in July 1873. Keti Koti means 'broken chains'. Let go of those chains/patterns in your organization that don't function anymore. Time for a new strategy? Think about it and go that conversation with your team, not alone. Have a productive week! Een succesvolle week toegewenst! Bon siman!
July 1st is Keti Koti, the day we commemorate the abolition of the Dutch transatlantic slave trade in July 1873. Keti Koti means 'broken chains'. Let go of those chains/patterns in your organization that don't function anymore. Time for a new strategy? Think about it and go that conversation with your team, not alone. Have a productive week! Een succesvolle week toegewenst! Bon siman!
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Het aantal mensen met een burnout neemt de laatste jaren steeds meer toe. Bijna één op de vijf werkenden ervaart burnout klachten. Organisatiepsychologen laten zien dat de doelen die leidinggevenden nastreven, van invloed zijn op het ontstaan van burnout bij medewerkers. Het beter willen presteren dan anderen gaat gepaard met een toename van burnout bij medewerkers. Signalen die duiden op het hebben van een burnout: *Chronische vermoeidheid, slecht kunnen slapen *Snel geïrriteerd *Piekeren *Concentratieverlies *Weinig energie voor sociale activiteiten *Niet kunnen genieten van ontspannende activiteiten We delen graag een aantal tips ter voorkoming van oververmoeidheid! Felis djarason! Fijne woensdag! Awesome wednesday!