뜻 깊은 3주 부산에서 같이 보내서 감사합니다! Thank you, Busan!
창업가의 길은 정말 쉽지 않습니다. 노력하고 열정적으로 해도 넘어지고 안되는 순간들이 많은데 그럴때 일 수록 다시 일어나서 도전하는 용기가 너무나도 중요하고 그리고 그렇게 하기 위해 얼마나 주변에 좋은 지인, 멘토, 그리고 커뮤니티가 있어야 하는지 또 다시 돌아보게 되는 시간이 였습니다. 부산에서 뜻깊은 시간 너무나도 감사드리고 이렇게 소중한 시간을 나눌 기회를 주신 구글 코리아 팀에게 감사드립니다.
여러분들의 용기되는 길과 여정 응원합니다.
I am still overjoyed by the thoughtful questions and discussions I recently shared with the hundreds of local entrepreneurs and innovators in Busan, South Korea. In the last three weeks, I had the opportunity to lead three workshops on entrepreneurship, storytelling, and leadership out of a six-week program in Korean for Google for Startups’s AI Startup School program in Busan, South Korea. The free sessions were open to all local entrepreneurs in Busan in person and virtually for audiences in Ulsan, Gyeongnam, and elsewhere. About 100 joined in-person and another 150-200 online each week for an in-depth 2-hour workshop.
My highlight, as always, was the audience, the people with whom I connect. Each question and discussion they raised reminded me how important it is to know that we are not alone and to find spaces and communities like this where it challenges you to grow together. As each entrepreneur and participant raised critical questions like the following, I knew all the challenging moments I went through in my journey as a founder and a leader were not wasted either:
- What do I do when friends don’t understand my vision and belittle me?
- How can you be empathetic and direct in your leadership to your team?
- How do you find the right customers?
- What if I feel frustrated that I don’t see growth opportunities in my city?
- How do you find good talent? Even if I can’t pay much?
- What if I don’t know how to do AI? How can I be an AI founder?
Entrepreneurship is easier said than done. The bar feels more challenging in the age of AI. We must celebrate the journey and the founders not when they are big but before reaching those massive success stages. I was also inspired by their courage, dedication, and determination, and I returned to DC more fueled to continue my journey as a leadership coach. Thank you all for showing up as who you are; I look forward to seeing how you thrive!
Thank you, Google for Startups team in Korea (Mike Kim, Jessica Chang, YeSeul (Lio) Kim, JiHye Jenny Park), for doing this program with Busan and having me, Accelerate Performance Sales Consulting (Adam Shaivitz and Ross Robinson) for having me and helping me make this possible, MUST Accelerator (서미경, 김은영, 이지선, 서한나) for making it so smooth operationally on-site, and many others behind the scene! I couldn’t ask for a better dream team!
#GoogleforStartups #Korea #Busan #Entrepreneurship #Leadership