The IACP is proud of the efforts and accomplishments of our Police Professional Standards, Ethics, and Image Committee as they work together to develop guidance for the policing profession. As noted in this #PoliceChiefMag article, “A strong and positive organizational culture is essential for effective police service. The IACP Police Professional Standards, Ethics, and Image Committee (PPSEI) recognizes this critical need and has composed a resolution outlining fundamental principles for healthy culture within police agencies.”
Knowing that we don’t have to lead alone in policing means we also have to give back and contribute where we can as leaders… I’m really excited to be renewed by International Association of Chiefs of Police to continue my collaboration as part of the PPSEI - Police Professional Standards, Ethics and Image Committee. The work we do has been some of the most meaningful and sustainable work of my entire career. Over the past few years we have collaborated on the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics revisions for modern policing, international hiring standards for new officers, and a soon to be released toolkit on building community trust scalable to agencies of all sizes, among other complex topics. Our endeavor over the past year was to identify elements of policing culture to help agencies self assess, maintain, and improve where needed. I’m proud to share an article in December’s Police Chief Magazine that outlines these 11 elements and provides real world agency examples, written in collaboration with the PPSEI Team. You can find it here: #policeleadership #communitypolicing #IACP Chris Hsiung Charles Rumsey John Oldham Aimee Smith Deanna Cantrell Patrick Sullivan Philip Lukens Jack Cauley Doreen Jokerst, EdD David Hess Christopher Cook Scott Eisenmenger Sonya M. Johnson, PhD City of Menlo Park