What a day at the 2024 KDAN x YunTech Data and Innovation Workshop! A huge shoutout to 國立雲林科技大學 and Professor Huang Bang-Ning for the amazing collaboration. ✨ The workshop kicked off with guest lecturer Andy Chih, who inspired us with valuable insights on the power of data in the workplace through his practical experiences. KDAN’s Brand Marketing & PR team followed with an exciting deep dive into our service evolution and the brand value of digital empowerment. The day concluded with a lively card game competition, fostering interactive learning and enthusiasm. We’re energized by the enthusiasm and feedback from all participants and remain committed to fostering stronger connections between academia and industry. Together, we’re shaping the future of talent and innovation! ✅ Follow us for more updates from KDAN! -- 【✨2024 KDAN x Yuntech 數據與創新工作坊圓滿落幕✨】 KDAN 首次走入國立雲林科技大學,與企業管理學系的科技與創新管理課程合作,帶領學生們探索數據分析與創新思維的無限可能! 本次工作坊特別邀請資料分析師 Andy Chih 為活動拉開序幕,透過自身的實務經驗深入解析數據在職場中的關鍵價值,並以求職故事激勵大家為未來挑戰做好準備。緊接著KDAN 品牌行銷與公關團隊從「#數位賦能 」的觀念出發,結合 KDAN 產品服務發展歷程及業界實例,啟發學生運用數位思維迎接創新機會。活動尾聲以緊張刺激的卡牌有獎徵答競賽畫下句點,透過趣味互動回顧當日課程重點,並期盼同學們能將數位賦能的理念融入日常生活及未來職涯規劃。 特別感謝黃邦寧教授及全體學生的熱情支持與正向回饋。KDAN 將持續透過產學合作構建學術理論與產業實務的橋樑,攜手培育具備數位工作力的未來人才! ✅持續關注 KDAN,打造人才永續新世代! #academic #collaboration #data #innovation #workshop