Kosovo Challenge Fund

Kosovo Challenge Fund


Increasing youth employment and boosting the competitiveness of enterprises.

About us

The Kosovo Challenge Fund (KCF) is a distinct facility financed by KfW and set up by the Ministry of Education and Science that aims to strengthen the labour market relevance by increasing the quality of vocational education and training, thus increasing the employability of VET participants. It will do this by funding investments in equipment and infrastructure for VET providers that engage or plan to engage, in cooperative training activities with partnering companies. The KCF aims to ensure that skills gained during the practical in-company learning contribute to the overall learning objectives of nationally accredited VET courses and programmes. It also aims to strengthen the employment-oriented economic development in Kosovo in accordance with the Stabilization and Association Process of the EU. The KCF is managed by a consortium of consulting companies led by IPC - Internationale Projekt Consult GMBH, together with partners Planco, Swisscontact, and KPMG Bulgaria. The Project Executing Agency (PEA) is the Ministry of Education and Science (MES). The MES is responsible for implementing this project, with the support of a professional Fund Management Unit (FMU).

Company size
2-10 employees
Fundraising, Cooperative Education, Vocational Training Institutes, Vocational Education, Vocational Training, and Cooperative Training


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