Legends of Lucha Libre reposted this
Tonight, Saturday, August 17th, lucha libre icon Vampiro will wrestle his final Mexico City match as part of Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide’s biggest event of the year Triplemania XXXII. Streaming on TrillerTV pay-per-view worldwide and broadcasting on cable & satellite througuout Latin America on Warner Bros. Discovery Space, HBO Max LatAm and ClaroSports. While his in-ring career as the most popular non-Hispanic luchador of all time may be winding down, away from the sold-out arenas, Vampiro is arguably as hot as ever. His podcast is a smash-hit, passing 1 million Facebook followers this week, more than 17 million YouTube views this year and content viewed by over 45 million across social media in the last 12 months. And, on October 16th, Masked Republic & Massive Publishing launch an all-new IP storyworld with Vampiro: Rockabilly Apocalypse created by myself & Mike Kingston, written by Mike and with art by Uruguay’s Martin Pouso. This horror-action series is filled with adventure and comedy and we can’t wait for the world to see it. We shared a preview with the world at Comic-Con International SDCC and response has been tremendous! You can watch the trailer right here. #luchalibre #comicbooks #comics #publishing #ip #licensing #horror #comedy #tv #videogames #transmedia #Mexico #celebrities #sports #sportsentertainment #multicultural