LivingOnIrelandTime’s cover photo



Living On Ireland Time offers a solution for entrepreneurs to work remotely around the world in an Online Business.

About us

I was the guy in the tradies’ ute making the long chaotic trip up and down the highway every day to various job sites that were disorganised, dirty and often very hot. I’ve made a good living working in the construction industry all my life. As I‘ve gotten older my time has become more precious and I decided that the long highway trek to the sweaty, hard yakka days had to end before it ended me! That’s why I’m able to write these words: because I took the leap into my own business as my OWN BOSS. I saw some of my friends making a much bigger income then me and seeming to work less and I was curious. After several financial loses you could say I was desperate too (that’s a hard one to admit) so I investigated what my friends were doing and initially decided it’s not for me. Eventually, time and hard, heavy work took it’s toll so I came back for another look after the encouragement of my friends and I ‘m proud to say I’ve actually done it I HAVE MY OWN BUSINESS I am free to work my own hours in air-conditioned comfort or on an island, if I choose. "Living On Ireland Time" 🏝

Company size
2-10 employees
Personal Development, Coaching, Leadership, Entrepreneur, Business, Team Leadershp, and Commumication

Employees at LivingOnIrelandTime


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