Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI)

Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI)

Environmental Services

Fight climate change by committing European real estate players to low-carbon building

About us

Building sector represents 39% of CO2 footprint in Europe. To reduce its impact, it is necessary to set global targets in Europe. And to do so, it is essential to have a common carbon accounting methodology across Europe, allowing to measure carbon on building whole life cycle. This harmonized methodology does not exist yet. To solve this issue, 10 major European stakeholders have joined LCBI in 2021, together with a scientific committee. They have built a common methodology, published in April 2023, after 2 years of technical work. In a few words, LCBI is a pan-european accounting methodology allowing to measure carbon footprint on a building whole life cycle, including embodied, operational and biogenic carbon. Based on existing European standards (Level(s), CRREM, etc), it matches existing carbon accounting principles and is easy to apply. Being performance-based, LCBI includes thresholds allowing label-delivery. Goal is to drive down real-estate carbon footprint and highlight most ambitious buildings.

Environmental Services
Company size
2-10 employees
Real-estate, life cycle assessment, building, whole life cycle carbon assessment, embodied carbon, operational carbon, and biogenic carbon


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