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LUMUS Investment Collective

LUMUS Investment Collective

Investment Management

On a mission to bring more female angel investors on cap tables of successful startups

About us

LUMUS is a place where female angel investors meet startups from Central Europe. We educate, support and connect women to investment opportunities in the CEE region. We educate women that want to learn about (angel) investing. We support women who do angel investing. We connect women all with the best early-stage startups related to the CEE region and let the magic happen.

Investment Management
Company size
2-10 employees
Privately Held
Investment, Startups, Education, Angel investing, and Networking


Employees at LUMUS Investment Collective


  • We're delighted to announce a special fireside chat on the evolution of angel investing and the rise of a new breed: Angels 3.0. Join our fantastic operator/investor & angel investors panel: 👉 Hilary Shirazi, Head of Corporate Development at Notion, 👉Peter Gajdoš, Deputy CIO at Fifth Wall. We will go deep on what's changing for angels in the age of AI, new syndication models, and what’s on the horizon for angel investing. 📍 San Francisco, House of AI - by (thanks to Christian Byza for hosting us) 🗓️ March 14th, 2025 🕚 11:30am - 1:00pm (🥙 lunch is on us!) Apply to join if you angel invest already or planning to start soon. CC: Lucia Cerchlan Vladimira Cincurova Zuzana Gergeľová Terezia Jacova Zuzana Zamborska #angelinvesting #sanfranciscoangels #angels #networking #firesidechat #futureofinvesting #venturecapital

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  • 👉 Want to learn more about investing in HealthTech? Join us for a free webinar with Andrea Zitna, Lead Partner at SpeedInvest - who leads their Health & Bio team and also advises us at LUMUS. Andrea will offer her perspective on the key trends shaping the HealthTech market in Europe and what she looks for in early-stage HealthTech investment opportunities. 🎯 Learning from each other At LUMUS, our mission is to bring more women to startup cap tables. We're a community of nearly 500 female angel investors who come together to invest, learn and support each other. Our webinars are an opportunity for us to come together and learn from the best in their field, this time from Andrea. This is a great opportunity as our startup portfolio is increasingly focused on the HealthTech sector. We love investing in HealthTech, but we want to do it smart! You can register for free here: So looking forward to seeing you there!

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  • Exciting news to share!!! We're over the moon to welcome Zuzana Gergeľová who joined us as our (first ever) Head of Community! ✨ Communities might feel like magic, but they don’t come together by accident. Zuzana is one of the leading experts in Europe when it comes to building meaningful, lasting, and high-impact communities—the kind that people don’t just join but take pride in being part of. It felt that LUMUS has already come a long way, but with Zuzana on board, we know this is just the beginning. 🚀 Want to meet Zuzana in person? Catch her at one of our upcoming LUMUS community meetups: 📍 Prague – 27 February 📍 San Francisco – 12 March 📍 San Francisco – 14 March 📍 London – 3 April Link to events details are here: (we're adding more meetups as we speak so the list is not complete just yet). Join us in giving Zuzana a warm welcome! 🤍 #LUMUS #AngelInvesting #BuildingCommunity #WomenInvestors #womenangels #angelinvestors #angels

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  • We’re thrilled to invite you to the LUMUS Angel Investors & Community Meetup in Prague! 🎯 At our meetup, three inspiring speakers (and angels in our community) will share how—and why—they’ve transitioned from founders to angel investors and back again: 👉 Vanda Seidelova, exited founder, Twigsee 👉 Tereza Pivná, co-founder, inSync & JZT Ferments 👉 Michal Peska, co-founder, Enehano – ☁ Salesforce Partner for Complex Enterprise Projects Solutions 🆒 They’ll reveal how they took their first steps, what fueled their passion, and who supported them. And yes, they’ll also explore whether they’re in it for the money, the fun, or the legacy (spoiler: it’s probably all three!). 🥂We’ll round out the evening with ample time to connect over delicious drinks and finger food. The event will be hosted by our co-founder based in Prague Vladimira Cincurova❤️. We can’t wait to meet you! Register here: #angelinvesting

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  • ✨ LUMUS Angel Investor Meetups in Prague Are Not to Be Missed! ✨ Whether you’re already an angel investor, an aspiring investor, or an investment enthusiast, we’d love to have you join us. At LUMUS, our community thrives on sharing and collaboration—so getting to know each other face-to-face is key. Why Attend? 👉 We believe becoming an angel investor is a journey, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way. 👉 Every angel investor’s path is different, and hearing firsthand experiences can be both inspiring and empowering. Our Speakers (all angels from the LUMUS community): 🗣 Vanda Seidelova, exited founder, Twigsee 🗣 Tereza Pivná, co-founder, @insync & JZT Ferments 🗣 Michal Peska, co-founder, Enehano – ☁ Salesforce Partner for Complex Enterprise Projects They’ll share how and why they transitioned from founders to angel investors—and what they’ve learned along the way. 🍸 🍝 Plus, we’ll have plenty of time for networking over delicious drinks and finger food. Register for our event here:

    LUMUS Community Meetup: Becoming an Angel Investor at Every Stage of Life · Luma

    LUMUS Community Meetup: Becoming an Angel Investor at Every Stage of Life · Luma

  • 🔊 Tip na víkendové počúvanie: Naša Vladimira Cincurova bola hosťom podcastu fin4elle s Marika Čupa, kde rozoberá základy anjelského investovania. 💡 Ak vás láka svet investícií a premýšľate, kde začať, určite si nenechajte ujsť túto epizódu! 🎧 #womeninvestors #angelinvesting #startupinvesting

    View profile for Marika Čupa

    Tvořím články a podcasty o investování.▪️Mým záměrem je inspirovat ženy k investování a budovat komunitu žen, které investování zajímá.

    Je vám blízké angel investování 👼🏻 nebo o něm zatím příliš nevíte ⁉️ Angel investování je úzce spojené se světem start-upů, což je pro nás, běžné investory, ne moc známá půda. ✴️ Víte, kdo je to angel investor a do čeho investuje? ✴️ Myslíte, že angel investorem může být i běžný investor s menším kapitálem nebo je to byznys jenom pro profesionály, kteří investují desítky milionů korun a více? ✴️ Tušíte, jak probíhá investování do start-upů, jaká jsou rizika a na co si dát pozor? ✴️ Věděli jste, že uspěje zhruba 3 – 5 % ze všech start-upů? To není moc, ale start-upy, které uspějí, mohou investorům vydělat balík. 💰 💰💰 👉🏻 A právě angel investování a investování do start-upů bylo tématem dalšího podcastu 🎙️ fin4elle, jehož úžasným hostem byla Vladimira Cincurova.  Vlaďka je spoluzakladatelka společnosti LUMUS Investment Collective , platformy pro ženy – angel investorky, které chtějí investovat do startupů. S Vlaďkou jsme investování do start-upů probraly poměrně důkladně a vy si vše můžete poslechnout na Spotify: Nebo Apple podcasts: Enjoy 😊🙋♀️ ❓ A co vy? Podělte se, jak jste na tom s investováním do start-upů: 👉🏻 Máte už nějaké investice za sebou?  👉🏻 Zvažujete, že začnete? 👉🏻 Nebo víte, že investování do start-upů není pro vás? 

    #41 – Jak se stát angel investorem: Vladimíra Činčurová

    #41 – Jak se stát angel investorem: Vladimíra Činčurová

  • The warmth and connection from our Christmas gathering still lingers, reminding us how powerful community truly is. Thank you Dennis Fino and Slovak PRO - Slovak Professionals for your beautiful words. We believe that together we can shape a more inclusive, equitable future, and we are so excited to continue this journey with you all. Here’s to the power of community and the change we create together! #CommunityForImpact #WomenInvestors #GratefulForPartnerships

    View profile for Dennis Fino

    Brand Builder & Growth Expert | CEO at Barney | Notable Clients: Heineken, Novartis, Valeo Foods, Volkswagen

    A SPACE FOR CHANGE. A COMMUNITY FOR IMPACT. LUMUS Investment Collective Why is this place so special, you ask? Because it’s where female angel investors come together to connect, learn, and invest. It’s a hub of empowerment and transformation, and I’m incredibly proud that Slovak PRO - Slovak Professionals is a partner of this inspiring organization. We had the chance to meet just before Christmas, and it was such a wonderful event! Let’s talk about the facts: - Women remain underrepresented in venture capital worldwide. Research from Women in VC reveals that female partners account for less than 5% of the industry. - Over 75% of VC firms have no female investors at all, and many have never had a woman serve on the board of a portfolio company. - In 2023, startups founded by women made up less than 2% of VC funding in Europe. - Yet, amidst these staggering figures, change is happening—gradual but steady. More women are stepping into the investment space, and more female-founded startups are gaining recognition. This is where communities come in. Today, we see the power of bringing people together to create something stronger, more resilient, and impactful. Individualism has its place, but the collective energy of communities like this is where true progress begins. Here’s to a future with more organizations like this—paving the way for inclusion, equity, and growth. May the next year be one of groundbreaking transformation, where these communities multiply and thrive. Cheers to the women shaping the future of venture capital—and to those joining the movement. Thanks to my fellow colleagues Vladimir Lackovic, Gabriela Zahoranska and Jakub Kosik for being there with me!

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  • LUMUS Investment Collective reposted this

    View profile for Pavol Cekan

    Founder/CEO @ MultiplexDX International | Molecular Cancer Diagnostics

    MÔJ/NÁŠ NAJVÄČŠÍ VEDECKÝ ÚSPECH V ŽIVOTE! Tento rok sa naozaj začína veľkolepo. Dnes nám vyšiel vedecký článok v prestížnom časopise - Nature Communications ( 👉 Je to prvá liga vo vedeckom svete a je veľmi náročné sa tam dostať, špeciálne ak ide o slovenský vedecký tím, a ešte k tomu aj o komerčnú biotechnologickú firmu. Je to veľká vec pre nás a aj slovenskú vedu. Som si istý, že pre MultiplexDX International je to len odrazový mostík pre ešte prestížnejšie vedecké články, inovácie a skvelú reputáciu vo vedeckom a medicínskom svete. Dúfam, že tánto prestížna publikácia uspokojí aj našich zarytých kritikov (napr. Uhríka, Blahu, Kotlára, Infovojnu a pod.). Prosím, pomôžte mi šíriť túto skvelú správu, aby sa dostala aj k nim a ich podporovateľom. Verím, že nikto z nich sa už neodváži nazývať nás pseudovedcami. Ak nie, nevadí. Reputácia vo vedeckom a onkologickom svete bude pre nás výbornou náplasťou. Tento vedecký článok sumarizuje vývoj, validáciu a preliminárne použitie v klinickej praxi nášho diagnostického testu pre pacientky s rakovinou prsníka - Multiplex8+ ( Obrovská vďaka patrí nášmu vedeckému tímu (špeciálne Evan P.) za niekoľkoročnú prácu a snahu priniesť onkologickým pacientkam novú diagnostickú inováciu, ktorá dokáže identifikovať správnu a efektívnu liečbu. My ideme ďalej a pevne verím, že ďalšie klinické validácie pomôžu začleniť Multiplex8+ medzi klinické štandardy a táto diagnostika bude nápomocná, dostupná a preplácaná pre väčšinu pacientiek. Veľká vďaka aj vám, ktorí nám neustále držíte palce, vyjadrujete podporu a pomáhate nám. Ďakujeme našim klinickým partnerom, najmä @Východoslovenský onkologický ústav. Ďakujeme aj našim investorom z Neulogy Ventures, Crowdberry, LUMUS Investment Collective a Venture to Future Fund. Vaša dôvera a finančná pomoc nás posúva vpred. V mene celého MultiplexDX International vám chcem všetkým veľmi pekne poďakovať ... 🙏💙👍

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