Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Foundation reposted this
TAKE ACTION: Speak Up for Marine Sanctuary Staff! NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries staff were just fired by the Trump Administration. This is a devastating blow to our national marine sanctuaries and the coastal communities that depend on them. And this is only the first wave of attacks to our underwater parks if we don’t act now. We’re urging elected officials to speak up to restore the NOAA: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration’s Marine Sanctuary workforce. NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries staff dedicate themselves every day to these national treasures, which are an enduring underwater legacy for the American people. These treasured places must be protected, ensuring American families, coastal communities, and local industries and businesses are not left to fend for themselves in the face of growing environmental and economic challenges. Sending a letter takes less than two minutes—and shows your lawmakers that their constituents care about NOAA and our national marine sanctuaries. Send your letter NOW directly to your members of Congress!