Mission Possible Partnership

Mission Possible Partnership

Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing

Alliance of climate leaders focused on accelerating decarbonisation across high-emitting industries in the years ahead.

About us

The Mission Possible Partnership supports public and private sector partners working on the industry transition towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The Partnership is a coalition initiative working on creating tipping points across the hard-to-abate sectors to set the industry on a net-zero pathway through public-private collaboration, innovation partnerships, and industry alliances. It is comprised of a range of alliances and initiatives: aviation, circular cars, heavy-duty road transport, shipping, aluminium, chemicals, cement and concrete, and iron and steel. Collaboration between business and government leaders, academic researchers, and civil society is key to unlocking industry decarbonization pathways.​ From financing innovative technologies to improving efficiency along value chains, we aim to unlock innovative solutions and enabling policies for the industry transition.​

Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing
Company size
2-10 employees


Employees at Mission Possible Partnership


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