March 5, at 10 AM ET | Somos Crianza, the Latin American Coalition of Networks for Early Childhood, hosts a launch webinar of The Lancet’s new series: Early Childhood Development and the Next 1,000 Days. Hear from NIEER's co-director of research, Milagros Nores, alongside leading experts talking about the benefits and costs of key strategies to support children’s development, the need to provide access to adequate nurturing care, safe and supportive environments with adequate stimulation, protection from physical punishment, adequate nutrition to all children, universal developmental screening, and financial support for vulnerable populations. In this new two-part series on early childhood development, The Lancet focuses on the transition to the ‘next 1,000 days’ of a child’s life course, describing why this developmental period matters, identifying conditions for fostering caring and nurturing environments, risks, and protective factors that shape children’s development. The papers also estimate the number of children who receive adequate nurturing care and examine whether current interventions address children’s needs.
Somos Crianza, a network initiated by the Dialogue on early childhood in #LatinAmerica, hosts the launch webinar of The Lancet’s new series: Early Childhood Development and the Next 1,000 Days. In this new two-part series on #earlychildhooddevelopment, The Lancet focuses on the transition to the ‘next 1,000 days’ of a child’s life course, describing why this developmental period matters, identifying conditions for fostering caring and nurturing environments, risks, and protective factors that shape children’s development. Co-hosted by Somos Crianza, National Institute for Early Education Research, NYU Global TIES for Children, and the Inter-American Development Bank, the webinar will feature a panel of experts including: -Diana Urueña, General Coordinator, Somos Crianza -Milagros Nores, Co-Director of Research, National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER), Rutgers University -Jorge Cuartas, Assistant Professor, New York University -Florencia Lopez Boo, Director, Global TIES for Children, New York University -Claudia Vazquez, Senior Associate, Inter-American Development Bank -Angela Constanza Jerez Trujillo, Founding Partner and Manager, Jerez & Sandoval-Medios -Marta Rubio-Codina, Lead economist and early childhood development specialist, Inter-American Development Bank -Juan Pablo Guzmán, Public policy and articulation manager, REDNI Foundation -Raquel Bernal, Rector, Universidad de los Andes
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