National Network of Special Schools

National Network of Special Schools

Primary and Secondary Education

Powered by Schools North East, NNoSS supports SBPs in Special and Hospital Schools, & Alternative Provisions in England.

About us

NNoSS is the first and only National Network for School Business Professionals working in England's Special and Hospital Schools and Alternative Provisions. The network is facilitated by Schools North East and Supported by the Department for Education. It aims to: CONNECT colleagues, sector leaders and stakeholders UPSKILL members supporting them to learn, develop and grow INFLUENCE decision and policy makers NNoSS facilitates good and best practice leading, driving and delivering change for the benefit of the sector. It aims to drive efficiencies with members sharing sharing resources, funding opportunities, experience and knowledge. Membership (currently free for new members who's schools have not previously benefited) is open to all those working in the business of running a school: Administration, HR, Finance, Operations, Estates and Leadership. Members benefit from an online community, free CPD, network meetings, insight groups, information and updates and collaboration with 250 members from across England.

Primary and Secondary Education
Company size
1 employee
SEND , Alternative Provision, School Business Leaders, Network, Influence, and Collaboration


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