No document does a better job of proving the value of a State Dealer Association. Kudos to the California Motorcycle Dealers Association for taking the lead on combating these attempts at government overreach.
The National Powersports Dealer Association is actively promoting the creation of Dealer Associations in every State. While this particular situation shows how a DA can help to protect dealers from activist lawmakers, a strong Dealer Association can also be a key instrument to help limit vendor overreach.
In summary:
The latest CMDA News Flash highlights the California Air Resources Board's (CARB) unexpected withdrawal of its proposed amendments to on-road motorcycle emission standards and the introduction of new on-board diagnostics and zero-emission motorcycle requirements. This proposal, which took seven years to finalize, aimed to significantly reduce emissions by adopting stricter standards similar to the Euro 5 regulations. The amendments included an 80% reduction in hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides, a 92% reduction in carbon monoxide, and the introduction of nonmethane hydrocarbons limits. Additionally, the proposal mandated the use of the World Motorcycle Test Cycle and required on-board diagnostics and new evaporative standards starting in 2028.
The CMDA played a crucial role in opposing these stringent regulations, citing the complexity and cost of redesigning engines and equipment across OEM product lines. The association also raised concerns about the feasibility of meeting the zero-emission motorcycle sales mandates, given the current market acceptance. Despite participating in public meetings and workshops, the CMDA was excluded from the finalization process, leading to the eventual postponement and withdrawal of the proposed amendments. The CMDA suggested introducing point-of-purchase tax credits to boost sales if the zero-emission mandates were enforced.
With the withdrawal of the proposed regulations, California motorcycle dealers are relieved from the immediate threat of new emission standards. The CMDA will continue to monitor CARB's actions and advocate for reasonable regulations that do not require federal EPA waivers. The association remains vigilant in protecting the interests of its members and ensuring that any future regulations are practical and economically viable.
#CMDA #CARB #Motorcycles #ZEM #Emissions