This week in Azerbaijan, we hosted our second event with Synergia Academy, focusing on leadership. MCE's Managing Director, PN Faniel, delivered an insightful presentation on "Leadership for Boosting Performance" to a gathering of CEOs.
A leader today has to manage and own many dimensions: everything is important, from the client focus to the internal processes through to diversity. The task has become extremely complex. It is obvious that leaders need to act and consider all aspects of business and not just the style of their leadership.
We have identified 12 areas, in 4 categories, to summarize those aspects or dimensions. But to out-perform, being aware of those dimensions is not enough. Leaders must select and focus on a maximum of 3 dimensions, that will be the real drivers of their actions and that will drive their leadership. And depending on that choice, the recipe for success and the way to cascade down and align managers and teams will be completely different. It is a question of choice and focus.
Successful companies are very clear on their drivers. The book "What Leaderships is For" will not only help to understand all the key dimensions of leadership today but will also present how to act depending on the focus leaders want to give, with some concrete examples of organizations that have selected their focus (Calida Group, Porsche, Greenpeace, Ryanair, Colruyt Group, DebioPharm, Alan Healthcare, and many others …). After mastering this concept, you won’t look at companies in the same way ever again …
#leadership #MCEManagementCenterEurope #SynergiaAcademy