Today I turn 49. And I’m lucky enough to be in one of the five places on this planet where I feel like I’m Home. I spent all day yesterday reflecting on my life up until now from every perspective: my career, my personal life and my life’s purpose. And some pretty cool things crystallized to me–and I’m darn grateful.
In this lifetime, I’ve had innumerable opportunities to learn and grow, with some pretty unreal and phenomenal experiences along the way. I’ve had a career that’s gone from investment banker, to private banker, to D&I leader, to entrepreneur. My work-life has allowed me to visit gorgeous and fascinating countries and to work with, meet, connect and most importantly, learn from the most phenomenal leaders–folks that the kid growing up in North Carolina who asked his Mom what gay was when he was 5 could have never imagined.
And the greatest achievement and joy has been building Out Leadership (from a severance check). My work has taken me around the world many times over–over 2 million miles to date– and allowed me to understand so many cultures, both corporate and human. But the most thrilling part is that my little company has created some pretty phenomenal change for #LGBTQ equality…which, I now know is my life’s mission. Duh.
But despite my constant smile, like every other human, it hasn’t always been easy. I’ve been married, divorced, engaged and am now very happily single. I’ve had a number of people I trusted betray me, including an employee I had to fire, who stole from me, and then tried to take me for money. Last year, when companies started pulling back from diversity, I even had to put a chunk of my life savings back into the company to keep us afloat. But here’s the thing: I learned from every single experience, and I have been able to let it all go with love and gratitude. Out Leadership turns 15 & is in the best place EVER. I’m raising investment capital and doubling the company in 2025.
But most importantly of all, I want to thank all my friends, my family, my colleagues and the leaders around the world who have made the last 49 years a total blast! #luckyguy #returnonequality