Paulo The Cork Man’s cover photo
Paulo The Cork Man

Paulo The Cork Man

Retail Apparel and Fashion

Born from nature

About us

Quem somos Paul The Cork Man é uma empresa dedicada à cortiça, utilizando-a de forma criativa e inovadora, com a missão de demonstrar a sua versatilidade, sustentabilidade, qualidade e durabilidade, sem alienar o lado estético, minimalista e em harmonia com a Natureza proporcionado por este material nobre. A cortiça é uma alternativa diferenciadora e eco-friendly a diversos produtos existentes no mercado e na Paulo The Corkman temos como missão dar a conhecer ao mundo todas as suas múltiplas possibilidades. O que fazemos Levámos a cortiça para o universo do yoga, criando produtos que promovem o bem-estar e a conexão com a natureza, mas também a incorporamos no dia a dia e no ambiente de trabalho com produtos elegantes e funcionais da nossa linha office. Focamo-nos na venda direta ao consumidor, que valoriza tanto a proteção do ambiente quanto a qualidade e exclusividade dos produtos que escolhe, mas além disso oferecemos opções personalizadas para empresas, seja para ofertas aos colaboradores e parceiros ou para eventos corporativos. Queremos trazer a cortiça para o centro do palco da sua vida, de forma única e personalizada, ajudando-o a transmitir, de forma clara, a mensagem que as questões ambientais são um problema de todos, mas que, com escolhas conscientes e informadas sobre a forma como consumimos, podemos agir de forma positiva no mundo. Fale connosco, diga-nos o que pretende, e estamos prontos para transformar a sua ideia em realidade! *** Who we are Paul The Cork Man is a company dedicated to cork, using it in a creative and innovative way with the mission of showcasing its versatility, sustainability, quality, and durability, while embracing its aesthetic, minimalist, and nature-aligned qualities. Cork is a unique and eco-friendly alternative to various products available in the market, and at Paul The Cork Man, our mission is to introduce the world to its countless possibilities. What we do We’ve brought cork into the world of yoga, creating product

Retail Apparel and Fashion
Company size
2-10 employees
Privately Held


  • In an era of industrialization and efficiency, it’s natural to wonder why cork harvesting hasn’t been automated. The answer lies in the delicate nature of the process. Machines lack the sensitivity to peel the bark without cutting too deeply into the tree, which could damage or even kill it. Beyond the technical challenges, the human touch carries an irreplaceable respect for the tree itself. Harvesters understand the nuances of each individual tree—the thickness of the bark, the shape of the trunk, and the precise moment when it’s ready to be harvested. This level of care is what keeps cork oak trees thriving for hundreds of years. *** 🌿Join the Cork Revolution Cork is more than a material—it’s a movement. By incorporating cork into your life, you’re not just choosing a product; you’re making a statement for sustainability and innovation. #Cork #BornFromNature

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  • Cork: the raw material that can save the world At a time when sustainability is an essential topic in our lives, cork emerges as a raw material with the potential to make a difference. This exceptional material has been crafted for centuries, but its relevance today is more crucial than ever. From its origins in ancient Mediterranean forests to its properties that outperform modern synthetic materials, cork is not just a material—it’s a solution. What is cork, and where does it come from? Cork is the bark of the cork oak tree (Quercus suber), native to the Mediterranean region. These trees are primarily found in Portugal, Spain, and parts of North Africa. The ideal climate for cork is Mediterranean, characterized by hot, dry summers, mild, rainy winters, and poor, well-drained soils—conditions that these regions provide. What makes cork so special is its ability to regenerate after harvesting. The bark is carefully removed by skilled workers, entirely by hand, every nine years without harming the tree, allowing it to continue growing and absorbing CO₂. This makes cork one of the most sustainable materials on the planet. The cork oak tree itself is a marvel of nature. Beyond providing a renewable resource, it also supports a rich ecosystem, serving as a habitat for countless species. Cork oak forests are a vital part of Mediterranean biodiversity, making them indispensable for the environment. Join the Cork Revolution Cork is more than just a material—it’s a movement. By incorporating cork into your life, you’re not just choosing a product; you’re making a statement for sustainability and innovation. At paulothecorkman, we are passionate about cork and its potential to transform industries while protecting our planet. Our eco-friendly yoga equipment is designed to showcase the incredible versatility of cork. Ready to make a difference? Explore the world of cork and discover how it can make your life greener and better. Visit paulothecorkman today and join us in building a sustainable future—one cork product at a time. #Sustainability hashtag #EcoFriendlyLiving hashtag #Biodegradable hashtag #PlanetEarth hashtag #ClimateAction hashtag #CircularEconomy hashtag #EcoConscious hashtag #ReduceWaste hashtag #EnvironmentalAwareness hashtag #GreenMaterial hashtag #Sustentabilidade hashtag #VidaConsciente hashtag #MateriaisBiodegradáveis hashtag #PlanetaTerra hashtag #AçãoClimática hashtag #ConsciênciaAmbiental hashtag #MateriaisVerdes hashtag #bornfromnature hashtag #cork hashtag #yogamat hashtag #yoga

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  • We are active agents in the world, even in the smallest actions of our daily lives. From the moment we wake up until the moment we go to sleep, our choices and behaviors directly impact the environment, the people around us and the future we are creating. 🌿We can choose to continue purchasing goods that destroy the planet's resources, fuel the consumption of fossil fuels and become 'garbage' that cannot be decomposed naturally and that remains in the soil, water or air for decades or centuries. Or start changing our choices. Remember: Cork is 100% natural, biodegradable and recyclable, minimizing environmental impact at the end of its useful life.💚 *** Somos agentes ativos no mundo, mesmo nas mais pequenas ações do nosso dia a dia. Desde o momento em que acordamos até a hora a que vamos dormir, as nossas escolhas e os nossos comportamentos têm um impacto direto no ambiente, nas pessoas ao nosso redor e no futuro que estamos a criar. 🌿Podemos escolher continuar a adquirir bens que destroem os recursos do planeta, alimentam o consumo de combustíveis fósseis e se tornam 'lixo' que não pode ser decomposto naturalmente e que permanece no solo, na água ou no ar por décadas ou séculos. Ou começar a mudar as nossas escolhas. Lembre-se: a cortiça é 100% natural, biodegradável e reciclável, minimizando o impacto ambiental no fim da sua vida útil.💚 #Sustainability #EcoFriendlyLiving #Biodegradable #PlanetEarth #ClimateAction #CircularEconomy #EcoConscious #ReduceWaste #EnvironmentalAwareness #GreenMaterial #Sustentabilidade #VidaConsciente #MateriaisBiodegradáveis #PlanetaTerra #AçãoClimática #ConsciênciaAmbiental #MateriaisVerdes #bornfromnature #cork #yogamat #yoga

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  • A study on consumption and sustainability reveals that only 1% of the goods we purchase are still in use six months after purchase. This data was initially presented in the documentary 'The Story of Stuff', by Annie Leonard, which explores the impacts of excessive consumption on the environment and society: - Many products are designed to have a short lifespan (planned obsolescence), encouraging consumers to purchase new items frequently. - The transition to a consumer culture based on convenience, fast fashion and short-lived electronic products fuels this accelerated discard cycle. This consumption model results in: • Waste of natural resources; • Increase in waste; • Intensification of climate change. The study reinforces the need for conscious consumption practices, such as reusing, recycling and avoiding impulsive purchases, as well as business models that promote the repair, rental or purchase of durable products. This data highlights the urgency of reevaluating our consumption habits to guarantee a more sustainable future for the planet. 🌍 #bornfromnature #cork #paulothecorkman #sustentability #gogreen #corkproducts

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  • This powerful quote reminds us that sustainability starts with mindful consumption. Choosing durable, eco-friendly products helps reduce waste and protect our planet. At Paulo The Cork Man, our cork yoga mats and blocks are designed to align with these values—natural, long-lasting, and kind to the environment. 🌿

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  • Did you know that cork extraction is a sustainable process that does not harm the cork oak? On the contrary, it stimulates it to carry out more photosynthesis to carry out the growth process of the new cork layer. As a result: • There is greater capture of CO₂: During the regeneration period, the cork oak captures up to 5 times more CO₂ than it normally would. • Contribution to a less polluted planet: This extraordinary capacity helps to mitigate the effects of carbon emissions, one of the main causes of climate change. But cork oaks bring more benefits to the environment:  - Protection of biodiversity: the cork oak forests are home to several species of plants and animals.  - Soil preservation: prevent erosion and help with water retention.  - Obtaining a sustainable product: cork is 100% natural, renewable and recyclable! ♻️ Cork is more than a versatile material—it is a choice for a more sustainable future.  👉 Find out more about how cork can transform the world around you. Discover the work of Paulo The Cork Man.

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  • Cork is one of the most sustainable materials in the world, produced from the bark of cork oaks, trees typical of the Mediterranean region, where the hot and dry climate favors their growth. This bark has remarkable properties, such as the fact that it is naturally fireproof, protecting against the frequent forest fires that occur in these areas. Cork extraction is a manual process, carried out with great skill by experienced cork harvesters. This careful method ensures that no trees are cut down, preserving the cork oaks and allowing the bark to regenerate naturally. It takes approximately 25 years for a cork oak tree to produce its first harvest of cork, known as “virgin cork”. After this initial period, the bark can be harvested every 9 years, for several decades, with each tree capable of providing cork up to 17 times throughout its life. Over the course of its existence, a single cork oak can produce around 700 kg of cork, a versatile, biodegradable and 100% natural material. Furthermore, cork oak forests play a crucial role in environmental balance, contributing to carbon capture, the preservation of biodiversity and the prevention of desertification.💚🌿 For all these reasons, we are proud to have developed a brand of products that are one hundred percent cork-based, both in our yoga and office lines. #cork #ecofriendly #corkoat #sustentability #green #bornfromnature

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  • Sabia que a cortiça é um material biodegradável? Isso significa que, a cortiça decompõe-se naturalmente ao longo do tempo. É de origem biológica e não envolve o uso de produtos de origem animal na sua produção. Do que está à espera de fazer uma escolha mais sustentável no que diz respeito à sua prática de Yoga? 💚🌿 Para se juntar a nós nesta jornada rumo a um mundo mais verde, espreite os nossos tapetes e blocos de cortiça. Descubra tudo aqui: *** Did you know that cork is a biodegradable material? This means that cork naturally decomposes over time. It is of biological origin and does not involve the use of animal products in its production. What are you waiting for to make a more sustainable choice when it comes to your Yoga practice? 💚🌿 To join us on this journey towards a greener world, take a look at our carpets and cork blocks. Link here: #SustainableYoga #EcoFriendly #CorkProducts #Biodegradable #GreenYoga #SustainableChoice #GoGreen #NaturalMaterials #YogaWithPurpose #GreenLiving #PlanetFriendly #YogaEssentials #MindfulLiving #PauloTheCorkMan #yogamat

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  • Lançámos este projeto porque acreditamos na qualidade dos nossos produtos e nas qualidades únicas da cortiça. Sabíamos que estávamos a lançar uma marca diferenciadora e por isso foi um grande orgulho quando os nossos tapetes e blocos em cortiça Paulo The Corkman receberam o selo de confiança da Federação Portuguesa de Yoga. A Federação, que promove e regulamenta a prática do Yoga em Portugal, reconhece a qualidade e o compromisso das nossas propostas eco-friendly, feitas com cortiça 100% natural, sustentável e portuguesa. 🌿 Conheça a nossa linha no nosso site e faça parte do movimento de mudança para opções mais sustentáveis, sem abdicar da qualidade e segurança da sua prática.

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