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Prasad Consulting & Research

Prasad Consulting & Research

Non-profit Organizations

Research-based Fundraising Strategies for Nonprofit Organizations

About us

Company Profile Prasad Consulting & Research (PCR) enables nonprofit organizations to maximize their income by raising major and capital gifts. Since 1989, the firm has counseled more than 100 charities throughout the country and around the world, with operating budgets ranging from $50,000 to $2.5 billion. Our services include: advanced research and strategy development for major gift, capital, and special event campaigns research department and development office assessments board and staff training feasibility and capital campaign consulting PCR is a pioneer in helping organizations craft major donor strategies for individuals and groups with differing cultural values and sensitivities. Projects have included campaigns targeted specifically to African-American, Chinese, Dutch-American, Hispanic, Scandinavian, South Asian, Sephardic, gay and lesbian, elderly, and female populations. In conducting research, PCR uses a host of premium, fee-based, online databases as well as public records and the firm's proprietary archives. The firm is not affiliated with any database screening service and is truly independent in recommending research resources and products to clients. PCR is the only consulting firm focused on prospect research to be invited to join the Giving Institute: Leading Consultants to Non-profits. An international association of leaders in the philanthropic consulting field since 1935, the Institute's mission is to advance the practice of philanthropy through research, education and best practices.

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees
New York
Privately Held


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