This week we celebrated our annual Christmas Breakfast with good food, games, raffles, awards, and fellowship. Our Christmas Breakfast is a time to reflect back on and celebration the successes of the year, and our team has a lot to celebrate this year! Congratulations to our past Employee's of the Month!: October – Cody Allen November – Joey Davis December – Bruce Ervin A big congratulations to some of our anniversaries this year!: 5 Years - Curtis Carson 5 Years - Jamie Sutton 5 Years - Leo Rodriguez 10 Years - Sean Harris Lets celebrate those who have volunteered for a mission trip together in February 2025!: Connie Frey Connar Dunnigan Jennifer Galindo Kate Mulligan Josiah Wittenbach Xavier Ortega Without our family here at Precision Plumbing, none of our successes would be possible. The growth and progress made every day compounds and serves to highlight just how amazing this team of individuals are and we appreciate every single one of them. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at Precision Plumbing! #PrecisionPlumbing #CommercialPlumbing #CharlotteNC #TeamExcellence #ChristmasParty