Over 430% ARR growth. To stay ahead of demand, ☁️ Cliff Simon used QFlow and landed H1 within 0.01% of his forecast. "We knew the goal was acquisition and we drove the metrics forward." https://lnkd.in/gzZg8_ri
CEO & Co-Founder @QFlow.ai | Aligning Finance & GTM | Ops, Finance, Technology, Executive Management
☁️ Cliff Simon sent me a photo of his notes before going on stage at HubSpot Inbound earlier today. Cliff was one of our first users back in 2022 when we launched a product with the vision of enabling sales leaders to see around the corner, aligning growth teams with the rest of the organization (including Finance), and driving efficient growth. At the time, he was on the small side for our ICP. Zoom into the photo for the rest of the story. Honored that we played a role in this story. **** Cliff's notes copy/pasted: - Qflow example: 430% growth in 2022 - to stay ahead, I used Qflow (Al tool) to hire [forecast demand for] hands on work of implementation for HubSpot or Salesforce against a sales cycle that was half the time it took to hire those people. -Qflow looked at the historical data out of CRM to model the opportunities quarter over quarter and month by month, and the likelihood of those opportunities closing based on opportunities that did not exist yet. In the forecast, I landed within $3,000 MRR in H1 where we went from 8 people to 48 employees and went from $1M to $6M in that 6 month period. -We knew the outcome was to get sold. We had the metrics, we knew what we were looking for and we drove it forward.