Realm of Caring Foundation reposted this
Got 10 Minutes? Help shape the future of medical cannabis access; just a few days left to take ASA's patient survey! Are you satisfied with current cannabis laws and access? Or are you frustrated by restrictive local policies, limited products, or other barriers? We want to hear from you! For over 20 years, Americans for Safe Access (ASA) has been amplifying patient voices—fighting for safe, legal, and compassionate access to medical cannabis in statehouses and on Capitol Hill. But we can’t do it without your insights. This survey is a significant component of ASA's State of the State report, which grades all medical cannabis programs and makes recommendations for improvements for legislators and regulators. There are always gaps between laws and regulations on paper and patients' experiences. The survey plays a crucial role in guiding ASA's interpretation for grading. Take 10 minutes to complete ASA’s anonymous comprehensive survey and share your experiences. Your voice will directly shape advocacy efforts, helping to create meaningful change for medical cannabis patients across the country. This is your chance to make a difference. Share your story. Be heard. Take ASA’s Survey Today! #medicalcannabis #endpainnotlives Michelle Wright, Mary Shapiro, Don Duncan, Antonio Frazier, Carla Rossotti Vázquez, MD, Shanetha Marable-Lewis, M.S., Codi Peterson, U.S. Pain Foundation, National MS Society, Epilepsy Foundation, AARP Foundation, Steph Sherer, American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), National Organization for Rare Disorders, EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases, National Pain ReLEAF, Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics (MCST) Program, Tetragram, Deondra Asike, MD, Realm of Caring Foundation, Americans For Safe Access, Minority Cannabis Business Association, Dravet Syndrome Foundation, Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) Foundation, This is Jane Project, The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research, Tourette Association of America, Women's Cannabis Chamber of Commerce, WeedWeek, Whoopi & Maya, Cannabis Science and Technology