ReConnect China - Horizon Europe Research Consortium

ReConnect China - Horizon Europe Research Consortium

Research Services

Generating independent knowledge for a resilient future with China for Europe and its citizens

About us

ReConnect China is a research and innovation projject funded in the framework of the European Commission’s Horizon Europe call HORIZON-CL2-2021-TRANSFORMATIONS-01-07. The question this project wants to answer is in which domains EU collaboration with China is desirable, possible, or impossible. To answer this question, four central domains of research have been discerned: science and technology, economy and trade, domestic governance, and foreign policy. The knowledge generated in this project will bring together stakeholders and experts in a Europe-China Knowledge Forum. Apart from stakeholders in the realm of policy making and the business community, the project also aims at raising awareness on China among the general public and European youth in particular. This research project will work towards a resilient future with China for the EU and its citizens. Members of the consortium are: Clingendael Institute, Netherlands Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations, Belgium Elcano Royal Institute, Spain Ghent University, Belgium Innovasjon Norge, Norway Institut Français des Relations Internationales, France Istituto Affari Internazionali, Italy Macao Scientific and Cultural Centre, Portugal Palacky University, Czech Republic Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Sweden University of Groningen, Netherlands University of Tartu, Estonia University of Turku, Finland University of Vienna, Austria Zentrum für Soziale Innovation, Austria Email:

Research Services
Company size
11-50 employees
EU-China relations, Science, Technology, Innovation, Trade, Economy, China domestic, China abroad, and Policy Recommendations

Employees at ReConnect China - Horizon Europe Research Consortium


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