🌳 LEI Nº15.042 - SBCE No dia 11 de dezembro de 2024, o presidente Lula sancionou, sem vetos, a Lei Nº15.042 que institui o Sistema Brasileiro de Comércio de Emissões de Gases de Efeito Estufa (SBCE). A Samauma celebra a aprovação da lei, tão aguardada para criação de um mercado regulado de carbono no Brasil, um marco importante para atingirmos nossos compromissos no combate às mudanças climáticas. Esperamos que a criação do mercado regulado também traga mais segurança jurídica e contribua para a atração de capital estrangeiro, impulsionando o desenvolvimento sustentável do nosso país. A implementação do SBCE está prevista para ocorrer em cinco fases ao longo dos próximos anos. Sabemos que ainda temos bastante trabalho pela frente e seguimos acompanhando os próximos passos! _______________ 🌳 LAW Nº15.042 - SBCE On December 11, 2024, President Lula sanctioned the Law Nº15.042, without any vetoes, which establishes the Brazilian Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading System (SBCE). Samauma celebrates the approval of this law, long awaited for the creation of a regulated carbon market in Brazil, a significant news in fulfilling our commitments to combating climate change. We hope that the establishment of this regulated market will also bring greater legal certainty and attract foreign investment, driving the sustainable development of our country. The implementation of the SBCE is expected to take place in five phases over the coming years. We recognize that there is still much work ahead and will continue to wait the next steps! #Samauma #MercadoReguladoDeCarbono #SustainableFuture #Sustainability https://lnkd.in/dNNzpdsc
About us
Samauma exists to make the right thing. And, more than offsetting emissions, reset the market outlook co-developing projects with local communities and partners, in a symbiotic and more efficient way to convert carbon credits into realities transformation. We assume our social and environmental responsibility. In addition to responding to society, we are committed to having a positive impact on the world. We not only preserve the environment, but also communities, people, and their stories.
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- 11-50 employees
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O Artigo 6 é um marco para a cooperação internacional no combate às mudanças climáticas. Com mecanismos que viabilizam a comercialização de créditos de carbono e fortalecem o mercado global. Confira nosso conteúdo e saiba mais! _______________ Article 6 & Paris Agreement The Paris Agreement, signed in 2015, is an international agreement that sets global objectives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change. Article 6, in particular, aims to facilitate cooperation between countries to reduce carbon emissions, providing two main market mechanisms: - Article 6.2: Allows bilateral agreements between countries for the trade of ITMOs (Internationally Transferable Mitigation Outcomes), which are units representing the reduction or removal of one ton of greenhouse gases (GHG) from the atmosphere and can be used to meet NDCs. - Article 6.4: Proposes a global market for buying and selling carbon credits, centralized in a system managed by the UNFCCC and overseen by a Supervisory Body. This market enables carbon credits generated from GHG reduction or removal projects to be traded across different countries. Relevance of Article 6 for the Carbon Market The mechanism established by Article 6 is crucial for ensuring greater ambition in climate negotiations, as its instruments can help direct financial flows to areas that need it most and have a lower cost for reducing or removing GHG emissions - generally, developing countries. Furthermore, this mechanism helps enhance the integrity of the carbon market. With an established international carbon market, as proposed in Article 6.4, global and local standards and guidelines can be developed. Updates and next steps During COP29, in Baku, Azerbaijan, the political phase of the negotiations was concluded, with the approval of certain requirements and permission for the technical definitions and implementation of the mechanism to be under the responsibility of the Supervisory Body Mechanism (SBM). This approval also encourages various national governments to regulate public policies that support this international cooperation mechanism. For carbon projects like Samauma’s Tauari REDD+ Project, advancing the regulation of Article 6.4 by creating this international carbon market is essential, clarifying the accepted methodologies and the participation opportunities available for each type of project. #Samauma #Sustainability #CarbonCredit #ParisAgreement #SustainableFuture #Sustentabilidade
Confira nosso conteúdo e saiba mais sobre os próximos passos do PL que regulamenta o Mercado de Carbono no Brasil. _______________ Regulated Carbon Market - Brazil New Developments At the end of November, the Bill of Law establishing a regulated carbon market in Brazil was approved by the House of Representatives and is now awaiting presidential sanction. The proposal adopts a cap-and-trade model, already implemented in several countries, where greenhouse gas (GHG) emission limits are set for different sectors. Companies emitting below their limits can trade credits with those exceeding theirs. Understanding the System The regulated carbon market will be linked to the Brazilian Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading System (SBCE). Through this system, Brazilian Emission Quotas (CBE) and Certificates of Verified Emission Reductions or Removals (CVRE) can be traded. There will be interoperability between the regulated and voluntary carbon markets. This means that carbon credits from the voluntary market can be converted into CVREs, provided they meet specific criteria, such as proof of effective carbon reduction or removal using an accredited methodology and registration in the central registry. However, details on how this verification will be conducted and the applicable procedures will depend on additional regulations. Next Steps and Impact The implementation of the SBCE is planned to occur in five phases over six years: Phase 1 – Issuance of regulations within 12 months, extendable for an equal period. Phase 2 – A one-year period for regulated entities to operationalize tools to monitor their emissions. Phase 3 – A two-year period for submitting monitoring plans and emission reports to the governing body. Phase 4 – Launch of the first National Allocation Plan, with free quota distribution and the start of market trading. Phase 5 – Full operation of the SBCE by the end of the first National Allocation Plan’s term. #CarbonMarket #CarbonCredits #Samauma #SustainableFuture #Sustainability #Sustentabilidade
🌎Nossos principais destaques da COP29 Representada por dois de nossos diretores, Lilian Harada Coura e Pedro Felix, a Samauma esteve presente durante a segunda semana da COP29 Azerbaijan, que apesar de ter deixado vários pontos para a COP30, em Belém, houve avanços em dois importantes pontos: #FinanciamentoClimático: foi acordado um valor anual de US$300 bilhões para combater as mudanças climáticas - montante ainda distante do US$1 trilhão definido pelos países em desenvolvimento. Além disso, o texto ainda permite a inclusão do setor privado como fonte de recursos, que divide opiniões. #MercadoDeCarbono: o artigo 6 teve sua discussão política concluída, permitindo o avanço para as definições técnicas sob a responsabilidade do Supervisory Body Mechanism (SBM). Em linha, essa decisão chega em um bom momento para o Brasil, que está em vias de ter um mercado regulado de carbono - no momento, seguimos aguardando a sanção presidencial do PL 182/2024. Globalmente, seguimos aguardando as definições técnicas do SBM sobre metodologias e padrões aceitos para aprovação dos créditos de carbono no 6.4. No cenário nacional, o mercado regulado passará por cinco fases, com o primeiro Plano Nacional de Alocação previsto daqui pelo menos mais dois anos. Seguimos acompanhando os desdobramento e nos preparando para a #COP30 em Belém! _______________ 🌎Our key highlights from COP29 Represented by two of our directors, Lilian Harada Coura and Pedro Felix, Samauma was present during the second week of COP29 Azerbaijan. While many topics were deferred to COP30 in Belém, progress was made in two crucial areas: #ClimateFinance: an annual fund of $300 billion was agreed upon to combat climate change - still far from the $1 trillion advocated by developing countries. Additionally, the agreement allows the inclusion of private sector funding, which remains a controversial point. #CarbonMarket: the political discussions surrounding Article 6 were concluded, enabling progress toward technical definitions under the responsibility of the Supervisory Body Mechanism (SBM). This decision comes at an opportune moment for Brazil, which is on the verge of establishing a regulated carbon market. Currently, we await the presidential sanction of PL 182/2024. Globally, we continue to await the SBM's technical guidelines on accepted methodologies and standards for approving carbon credits under Article 6.4. Nationally, the regulated carbon market will undergo five implementation phases, with the first National Allocation Plan expected in at least two years. We remain committed to tracking developments and preparing for #COP30 in Belém! #Samauma #SuatainableFuture #Sustainability #CarbonCredit #COP
🌱Início da Implementação do Sistema Agroflorestal no Projeto Tauari Em parceria com alunos e professores dos cursos de Engenharia Florestal e Engenharia Agronômica da Universidade Federal do Acre, estamos dando os primeiros passos para recuperar áreas degradadas no Projeto Tauari com um Sistema Agroflorestal (SAF) adaptado às condições locais. O SAF foi planejado respeitando o solo, o clima, o relevo e os aspectos culturais da comunidade. Ao início, houve uma análise detalhada do solo e, com base nos resultados, foram selecionadas as espécies ideais que irão promover a diversificação e aumentar a produtividade da área. O trabalho começou com a limpeza da área, seguida pela mecanização do solo, e no final de outubro, tivemos o plantio das primeiras mudas, marcando início do cultivo do SAF. Essa iniciativa é um passo importante para promover a recuperação ambiental e garantir um desenvolvimento sustentável! _______________ 🌱 Beginning the Implementation of the Agroforestry System at the Tauari Project In partnership with students and professors from the Forestry Engineering and Agronomy programs at the Federal University of Acre, we are taking the first steps to restore degraded areas in the Tauari Project through an Agroforestry System (SAF) tailored to local conditions. The SAF was carefully planned, taking into account the soil, climate, topography, and cultural aspects of the community. Initially, a detailed soil analysis was conducted, and based on the results, ideal species were selected to promote diversification and increase the area’s productivity. The work began with clearing the area, followed by soil mechanization. By the end of October, we planted the first seedlings, marking the start of AFS cultivation. This initiative represents an important step toward promoting environmental restoration and ensuring sustainable development! #Samauma #Sustainability #SustainableFuture #Nature #SAF
🌎Driving Collaboration for Sustainable Development Na manhã de terça-feira, realizamos o evento Driving Collaboration for Sustainable Development em Baku, Azerbeijão, durante a COP29, reunindo especialistas de diferentes áreas: regulatório, impacto social e setor privado - todas essenciais no combate às mudanças climáticas: Manuela Demarche | Trench Rossi Watanabe fez um resumo com as atualizações sobre a primeira semana da COP29, destacando os avanços do artigo 6 do Acordo de Paris. Ainda, mesmo que comemorando a aprovação do PL 182/2024, que institui o mercado de carbono regulado brasileiro, reforçou que ainda há muito a ser feito para regulamentarmos efetivamente o mercado. Danilo Moura | UNICEF Brasil explicou como as crises climáticas afetam as comunidades e apresentou um pouco da estratégia "Action for Climate" do UNICEF, fundo focado na criação de resiliência para crianças e adolescentes em situação de vulnerabilidade por desastres climáticos. Rodrigo Lauria | Vale compartilhou um pouco da estratégia da Vale nos últimos anos e, olhando para o futuro, ressaltou como o setor privado se diferencia do público e necessita de ferramentas para redução de riscos e KPIs claros para controle de performance. Agradecemos novamente a todos pela participação e pelo rico debate com profissionais tão qualificados! _______________ 🌎 Driving Collaboration for Sustainable Development On Tuesday morning, we held the event Driving Collaboration for Sustainable Development in Baku, Azerbaijan, during COP29, bringing together experts from different fields: regulatory, social impact, and the private sector — all essential in the fight against climate change: Manuela Demarche | Trench Rossi Watanabe provided a summary of the updates from the first week of COP29, highlighting the progress of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Although celebrating the approval of PL 182/2024, which creates the Brazilian regulated carbon market, she emphasized that there is still much to be done in regulating the market. Danilo Moura | UNICEF Brasil explained how climate crises affect communities and presented a bit of UNICEF’s "Action for Climate" strategy, a fund focused on building resilience for children and adolescents in vulnerable situations due to climate disasters. Rodrigo Lauria | Vale shared insights into Vale’s strategy over the past years and, looking to the future, emphasized how the private sector differs from the public sector, needing tools for risk reduction and clear KPIs for performance control. We thank everyone again for their participation and for the enriching discussion with such qualified professionals! #Samauma #Sustainability #SustainableFuture #carbonmarket #actionforclimate
O time da Samauma está em Baku para a COP29 Azerbaijan, discutindo e colaborando com iniciativas que visam enfrentar os desafios climáticos. A Conferência das Partes (COP) chega à sua 29ª edição com o intuito de realizar negociações sobre as mudanças climáticas em solidariedade por um mundo verde. Está presente na COP29 Azerbaijan? Vamos nos conectar! _______________ The Samauma team is in Baku for COP29 Azerbaijan, discussing and collaborating on initiatives aimed at tackling climate challenges. The Conference of the Parties (COP) reaches its 29th edition with the goal of negotiating climate action in solidarity for a greener world. Are you attending COP29 Azerbaijan? Let's connect! #Samauma #sustainability #sustainablefuture #cop #actionforclimate #nature
Samauma reposted this
📢 Na tarde de ontem, o Senado Federal aprovou o projeto de lei nº 182, de 2024, que regulamenta o mercado de carbono no Brasil. A implementação de um sistema regulatório para o mercado de carbono permite maior transparência e credibilidade para o Brasil enquanto modelo de proteção ao regime climático, constituindo uma ferramenta fundamental na redução das emissões de gases poluentes e na mitigação dos impactos das mudanças climáticas. O texto agora retorna para análise da Câmera dos Deputados. Nós, da Samauma, seguimos acompanhando o processo, aguardando as definições técnicas e regulamentações necessárias! _______________ 📢 Yesterday, the Brazilian Federal Senate approved the Bill of Law No. 182, of 2024, which regulates the carbon market in Brazil. The implementation of a regulatory system for the carbon market provides greater transparency and credibility for Brazil as a model for climate protection, becoming a key tool in reducing pollutant emissions and mitigating the impacts of climate change. The text now returns for analysis by the House of Representatives. At Samauma, we continue to monitor the process, awaiting the necessary technical definitions and regulations! #Samauma #sustainability #climatechange #carboncredit #sustainablefuture https://lnkd.in/dC6TyPw8
📢 Na tarde de ontem, o Senado Federal aprovou o projeto de lei nº 182, de 2024, que regulamenta o mercado de carbono no Brasil. A implementação de um sistema regulatório para o mercado de carbono permite maior transparência e credibilidade para o Brasil enquanto modelo de proteção ao regime climático, constituindo uma ferramenta fundamental na redução das emissões de gases poluentes e na mitigação dos impactos das mudanças climáticas. O texto agora retorna para análise da Câmera dos Deputados. Nós, da Samauma, seguimos acompanhando o processo, aguardando as definições técnicas e regulamentações necessárias! _______________ 📢 Yesterday, the Brazilian Federal Senate approved the Bill of Law No. 182, of 2024, which regulates the carbon market in Brazil. The implementation of a regulatory system for the carbon market provides greater transparency and credibility for Brazil as a model for climate protection, becoming a key tool in reducing pollutant emissions and mitigating the impacts of climate change. The text now returns for analysis by the House of Representatives. At Samauma, we continue to monitor the process, awaiting the necessary technical definitions and regulations! #Samauma #sustainability #climatechange #carboncredit #sustainablefuture https://lnkd.in/dC6TyPw8
Após muito debate, Senado aprova projeto que regula mercado de carbono
Essa semana se iniciou a 29° edição da COP do Clima na capital do Azerbaijão, em Baku. Confira o conteúdo e saiba mais sobre sua origem. _______________ What is the UN COP? The United Nations Climate Change Conference, or Conference of the Parties (COP), is an annual event that brings together governments from around the world, diplomats, private entities, and innovators to discuss the consequences of climate change and actions for its mitigation. The first edition took place in 1995 in Germany, in response to the growing global concern about the impacts of climate change and the rise in global temperatures. Why is it important? The COP is a crucial platform for cooperation and dialogue between countries that share the goal of limiting global temperature rise. Its main topics include: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG); Finding solutions to environmental issues; Implementing and monitoring measures to contain global warming; And other related subjects. COP29 From November 11 to 22, 2024, COP29 will take place in its 29th edition in Baku, Azerbaijan. The outcome of COP29 will be critical for the goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C this century, compared to pre-industrial levels. This edition of COP is especially significant for Brazil, as the country will host COP30 next year in Belém – what isn't decided in Azerbaijan will be carried over for resolution in Brazil. Blue Zone and Green Zone at COP The physical structure of the COP is divided into two areas: The Blue Zone, managed by the UNFCCC, is accessible only to accredited individuals and typically hosts more formal negotiations between countries and their delegations. The Green Zone is an open space for other entities such as companies, entrepreneurs, academics, and others, dedicated to parallel events where society can share knowledge and innovations on climate issues. Samauma will be present during the second week of COP29 to discuss, contribute to, and act on key issues related to climate change and the development of a sustainable future. #Samauma #COP #ClimateAction #CarbonMarket #Sustainability #SustainableFuture